Fun to read about your timesheet woes! Luckily, Jenna told me about a really cool computer program called Rescue Time that runs silently in the background of your computer and monitors where your spend your time.
I’ve only been using it for a few hours, but it seems pretty cool!
I got a TON of work done this evening. I finished an entire freelance in a day (which might be a record for me) and got some other chores done, too. Wahoo for productivity!
Let’s see… I grabbed lunch with my Dad. We went to a Mexican restaurant (he likes Mexican, if you can’t tell). I filled up on chips and salsa:
And then I got bean and cheese enchiladas with mole sauce. They weren’t that huge, but they were rich and delicious.
After lunch, I coached at Girls on the Run. Only 6 girls were there today because of the upcoming holiday, but every girl ran a 5K!!! And they did it SO fast, too. It’s incredible how fast they’ve gotten. I’m such a proud running mama.
Snack included some pumpkin loaf and a slice of bread, eaten as I stood in the kitchen and stared into space.
And dinner was fast and easy:
Hummus and bread, steamed spinach, and carrots:
I was mindlessly munching on some chocolate chips while writing, but I decided that I hadn’t really eaten enough fruit or veg for the day and decided to reach for an apple instead.
Sweet, cold, crunchy? Hellz to the yes!
Bed is callin’ my name early tonight!
is that program free?
Love how Jen’s site is on your chart haha!