Subtitled: When You Are Allergic to Avocado :) Last night was SO MUCH FUN. Philly has great nightlife! We started off at Haru, a sushi place that BFF Lauren absolutely loves. We sat at this huge special table and drank cocktails with fun names like One Night in Tokyo. Now, not only am [...]
August 2010
After a long travel day, I’ve arrived in Philadelphia to spend the weekend with my college friends! Girlfriend getaway, whaaaaat! In the airport, I drank half of this Odwalla bev before realizing the third ingredient was mango puree (which I’m allergic to). So far, no ill effects – but I’ve really got to get better [...]
Hello from the air! (Again) I’m traveling to Philadelphia this weekend for BFF Lauren’s goodbye party. She is moving to Singapore for work for THREE YEARS so my college friends are all getting together for one last hurrah. After going through security, I stopped by Starbucks for some iced coffee. As I was placing [...]
In case you needed further proof that I am, in fact, human – and not a healthy living autobot – last night I had a large bowl of fro-yo and candy toppings for dinner. And it was awesome. I wish that picture accurately showed how much ice cream I put down! I met some old [...]
Previous marathon training long runs: 8.0 is better together 10.0 for the win 11.0 miles: Attempt #2 Today, I woke up with one goal in mind: bang out 13.1 miles for marathon training. Unfortunately, when I dragged my booty out of bed and looked outside, it was absolutely monsooning. I checked, which assured [...]
I’m about to leave for a 13.1 mile training run, but the weather currently looks like: Not sure what the ramifications of this will be (Soaked and chafing? splashing in puddles like a 4 year-old?), but I’m going to give it a shot! A little rain never hurt anyone. In the meantime… I’ve got [...]
Spent the afternoon tied to the computer. I did take two breaks. One was to try and sell my car (we’re becoming a one-car family) and the other was to go to Target. We needed some stuff for the Husband’s clinic. Wheeeee! Don’t tell me you don’t do that, too! :) Afternoon snackies included [...]
Bold statement, huh? :) Before I share one of the secrets of organizational bliss… First: lunch! This protein-packed sandwich was a fun alternative to regular old hummus. The addition of corn creates a really great texture, and fresh basil pumps up the flavor. To make the sandwich, I combined 1/4 cup drained and rinsed [...]
Been rolling around this breakfast creation in my brain for a full week! The inspiration came from sesame flatbreads from Trader Joe’s. A full flatbread is actually two servings (and 500 calories) so I tried to come up with a creative way to use half the flatbread. Banana Dip Ingredients: 1 banana 1/4 [...]
New anti-stress visualization: Whenever I get really anxious and stressed, I imagine myself like a lovely phoenix (the fire bird) rising from the ashes. Ca-haw! Ca-haw! Don’t laugh. It works. In other news: I have an AllieBar habit. Perhaps if I fly over to Allie’s house and beg her for the recipe, [...]
Our bar has officially been transformed into an office for one blogger, one acupuncturist, one office manager, and one holistic doctor. We all spent the morning type-type-typing on our respective computers (my in-laws’ are staying with us). Eventually, I took a break to go for a run and do some speedwork. My big 5K [...]
Good morning! After four nights in a (haunted) hotel, it was so nice to wake up in my own bed next to the Husband, James, and Maggie. :) A yogurt mess! I had Honey Greek Yogurt, cinnamon-encrusted almonds, a mix of oatmeal and a fibery cereal, and a banana. Yes, it was as good as [...]
Today I flew from Chicago to Orlando… And then Orlando to Charlotte. I feel like I went all over this side of the country! Truthfully, my travels weren’t so bad. I can’t really complain about a business class upgrade + WIFI in the air. It was basically a normal working day for me, just with [...]
I spent my morning doing this: It wasn’t so bad. :) I don’t think I mind getting stuck in an airport when it’s my own choice (two free tickets to get bumped to a later flight). I had fun people-watching and catching up on e-mails. Plus, I was given a voucher for a free [...]