It was one long drive from Tennessee to Pennsylvania, but we made it!
Self-timer fail.
When your car includes a vegan (Husband) and a vegetarian (me), car trips are really hard if you don’t plan ahead and pack healthy meals to eat on the way. I take that back – it’s hard for ANYONE to eat healthy on the road when all you can see is McDonalds and Burger Kings!
Luckily, we came prepared (AKA – stole food from my mother’s kitchen).
I had Oikos Greek yogurt as a morning snack:
A PB and strawberry jelly sandwich with sweet potato fries for lunch:
1/2 of this fruit for an afternoon snack:
And this bar as another snack:
To make the drive more interesting, we listened to this Dane Cook performance, which was absolutely hysterical. I highly recommend!
We saw LOTS of barns. At least it was a picture-perfect summer day in PA! I wouldn’t want to brave this trip in the winter, that’s for sure!
We also felt compelled to stop at this creepy Antique Mall since we’re hunting for a house of furniture. The Hus said he got bad juju vibes from all the stuff, and I totally agree!
Although this chair was cool:
We’re finally in CIVILIZATION and off to find dinner somewhere. And then I’m going to drop by the bride’s house and say HELLO! I love weddings!
Have a great night!
I love packing my own snacks, because I’m usually a picky eater and can’t eat anything with wheat so if I don’t it’s a good chance I’ll go hungry.
Aren’t the Zevia shirts the comfiest things going?