This morning, I am enjoying the little things (before I dive head-first into the big, scary, complicated work-related things). Ahhhh.
Weeding makes me happy. Weeding means I have something tangible to take care of. Weeding means I haven’t killed my flowers and given up on my flowerbed yet.
Also, tea kettles that emit a low, soft hiss instead of a high-pitched SCREAM make me happy. I can’t tell you how many mornings I found myself running to the tea kettle to turn it off before it woke up the Husband. This new tea kettle (I got it at Marshall’s) is soft and gentle.
Flowers make me happy. Thanks, Mom. 🙂
And last, but not least, a quick + healthy breakfast makes me happy. I know I just blogged that I typically don’t mind spending time on breakfast, but I wasn’t up for it today.
In the bowl: raw oatmeal, Greek yogurt, flax, and a sliced organic banana (which, by the way, taste so much better than conventional bananas).
You know what else makes me happy? Being productive! So, I’m outta here!
What little things are making you happy today?
My coffee (much needed!) is making me very happy right now! I am slo breaking in new shoes while I sit at my desk and new shoes always give me something to smile about.