My body is going through intense vegetable cravings! Considering that I don’t even really like most veggies (ice cream is much tastier), this is pretty awesome.
Lunch was a whole wheat bagel with hummus, sundried tomatoes, and steamed asparagus:
Asparagus is an excellent sandwich topper! Very flavorful and fun.
Plus, some B. Sprouts on the side (also steamed).
I also had a small bowl of baked beans, but my camera ate the picture. Guess it was tasty. 🙂
Three Changes Update
On March 11, I saw a Chinese medicine doctor and she (plus my husband) recommended that I make three small changes in my diet.
The changes were:
- Drink warm water upon waking, and drink more warm/lukewarm water throughout the day.
- Reduce the amount of caffeinated beverages, especially coffee.
- Reduce the amount of dairy I eat from 3 + servings to an average of 1 serving a day.
For an explanation of why she suggested these changes, check out this post.
It’s been 11 days since I started to make the changes, and here’s how I’m doing so far.
- Water, water, everywhere! I have been drinking so much more water, and I have noticed a HUGE improvement in my skin, energy level, and alertness. Drinking more water is miraculous!
- Caffeine has been harder. I’ve been struggling to stick with one coffee a day. Traveling was especially difficult because I was tired. But I’m making improvements.
- Dairy has been even harder. I am paying more attention to my dairy intake and have reduced it overall, but there have definitely been a few days I still had a lot of dairy. Small changes count, though! And I’m discovering fun cheese substitutions (like hummus).
What was the most influential and helpful eating or healthy living tip anyone ever told you?
I always lacked the ability to let myself rest enough, whether it be frome exercise or work. My husband has been great in getting me to take that time and to be better to myself.