If you’re having difficulties viewing my most recent blog posts, check out the February archives. I’ve contacted my web host about the issue – so sorry!
I have been a diligent worker bee today! I’ve got a good outline of my article done. It’s a nice change to work from my mom’s office instead of my own.
(In case you’re wondering, my mom has a photo of a Whopper on her desk because she used to work for Burger King headquarters… ironic, considering she’s also a vegetarian.)
For lunch, I decided to raid my mom’s fridge and turn a bunch of leftovers into a lovely casserole dish. My mom lives alone and tends to buy and make too much food, which leads to a lot of waste! I made this casserole with her to show her that you can almost ALWAYS transform leftovers into something new and delicious.
The recipe is loosely based on my Santa Fe Casserole recipe. I used brown rice and baked tofu as the base…
And added in milk, cheese, two eggs, onions, red peppers, and broccoli. Honestly, you can’t screw up a recipe-less casserole as long as you add enough rice and cheese! 🙂
After baking at 400 degrees for 40 minutes or so, we had one lovely casserole!
I had a pretty generous serving. 🙂
On the side, I had a salad with sprouts and tomatoes with some balsamic vinegar.
So far, my exercise for today involved shoveling snow off my mom’s patio, but I think it’s time I hit gym for a run and swim combo. I would REALLY like to run outside (I hate the dreadmill!), but there are so many loose, big dogs in the countryside. I’m terrified of being bitten (the last time I was here, I had to fend off the dog with a big stick!). I can’t go more than a mile without running into some huge, angry pup.
If you work out outside, what is your primary safety concern? I don’t really worry about being mugged or attacked, but I am very nervous about cars. I assume all drivers don’t see me unless they wave! Don’t forget to carry ID with you on the road!!
I worry about dogs too! My husband always laughs…when we run or walk together, i jump every time I hear a dog bark!