I’m totally on a smoothie KICK lately!
I go through phases when I really love smoothies, and when I ignore them completely. Currently, we’re in love. 🙂
Smoothies are awesome because you can modify the ingredients and make them into a snack OR a meal. And – since I always put raw spinach in my smoothies – I get a hefty dose of veggies. I SWEAR you can’t taste it.
The key to making a smoothie stick to your ribs?
Oatmeal! It gives the smoothie a nice chew, but you can still drink it. And a scoop of protein powder doesn’t hurt, either. 🙂
My smoothie contained:
- 1 and 1/4 cup rice milk
- 1 banana
- 1 tablespoon ground flax
- 2 cups raw spinach
- 1 scoop whey protein
- 1/2 cup oatmeal
And… I’m off! Maggie is going to a NEW vet today.
Do you find smoothies satisfy you or do you save them for snacks?
I love them!! I often have one for breakfast when I’m pressed for time at uni – 1/2cup oats, 1 cup milk, banana, spinach, berries..they’re brilliant! It’s basically blended, cold, drinkable oatmeal – SO GOOD!!!