January 2010

Work Day

Morning!  Although it’s a Sunday, it’s technically a work day for me.  I’m taking tomorrow off to spend time with my sister-in-law, and I have a major deadline looming for one of my freelance articles.  Eck!  Time to buckle down.   A wonderful Sunday breakfast: I made Hodgson’s Mills whole wheat waffles, but I mixed [...]


750 Meters

I’m happy to announce that I swam 750 meters in 25 minutes – with proper form!  Ryan was a good teacher!  It was HARD and there was a lot of hanging onto the wall in between laps.  :)  Swimming involves way more thought than running – in a race, you just run forward.  When you [...]



Day 2 of the Intro to Iron Pumping Challenge left my legs and butt feeling so sore!  I find it highly ironic that six days ago, I ran 26.2 miles, but I struggled to do leg presses.  I am actually thrilled that I don’t have to spend 5 hours a week running right now – [...]


Bowling and Brews

Beer, anyone? The Husband, my brother in law, and I are headed to the bowling alley.  I think we all want a stiff drink – or a pitcher of beer to share.  :)   I worked on my freelance articles all afternoon – and by work, I mean stare at the screen in frustration.  Finally, [...]


Just Keep Swimming!

Ryan is my new swim instructor.  :) Ryan offered to help me learn how to swim properly so I’m better trained for my upcoming triathlon.  I jumped at the chance to learn from a pro – I really feel like I have no idea what I’m doing in the water!   But first, I completed [...]


Into The Deep End

Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal! Today’s breakfast was so delicious.  I know I’m on a serious Pumpkin kick (I bought 8 cans in December because my grocery store stops carrying them after the holidays), but this breakfast might be repeated very, very soon. My oatmeal contained:   1/2 cup oatmeal 1/2 cup vanilla rice milk 1/2 cup [...]


The Writing Void

I feel like one pooped puppy! I got sucked into a freelance writing void until almost 8 PM, and when I came to, I realized I was starving! (Megan, is this your plate?)   I made an easy steamed asparagus, kidney bean, and hummus wrap: Plus, a HUGE spinach salad with Green Goddess dressing: Afternoon [...]


Dream Jobs

Don’t forget to nominate a blogger for the Blogging Pants!  I'd like to give the pants to a newer/lesser known but equally awesome blogger… so nominate away!  It’s going to be hard to pick someone.  And I’ll announce winners of The Spark giveaway at dinner.   I finally wedged my bike into my car and [...]


The Blogging Pants

My upper body had that lovely “I lifted weights” feeling this morning.  I could especially feel it in my triceps and back.  Guess the Intro to Iron Pumping Challenge is going to work! :)   I’m experimenting with my schedule a little bit lately; I’m waking up early to get everyday tasks (like e-mail) out [...]


Puppies, Finally!

Don’t forget that tomorrow AM is your last chance to win a copy of The Spark from the editors of SparkPeople.com.  Just tell me your #1 fitness tip on this post for a chance to win a copy of the book!   First things first, I updated the Puppy Page with a new picture! I’ve [...]


Read and react.   As one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere, Haiti’s people are especially vulnerable in the wake of such a severe natural disaster.  As many as 100,000 people may have died in the recent earthquake.  Sometimes I read news articles about such disasters and just think, “Aw. That’s sad.”  But [...]


I’m a proud card-carrying member of LA Fitness (again). This works out well because today is the first day of a 12-week weight lifting challenge!    Like a lot of women, I know how to get my cardio in, but I admit - I have no idea how to lift weights.  So I've enlisted Gina’s [...]


Race Diary Part II

I had a breakfast FAIL this morning: I’ve been enjoying bulgur lately and wanted to make a sweet breakfast version; however, something about this dish was off, and it didn’t taste as good as I know it can.   I think it might’ve been too dry? I cooked a serving of bulgur I normally would, [...]


Make It a Competition and I’ll Watch

Kind of random, but check out this cool picture the Husband snapped today: The bird landed on the back of the car next to us.  :)  I love Florida birds.   Today was a great catch-up day for my life, the family business, the blogs, and my sanity in general.  I got a lot of [...]

Healthy Tipping Point