One of the coolest things about blogging is that I have a picture journal of my life (well, 90% of it from June 2008 to today). I started to look through my December 2008 archives and uncovered some noteworthy memories:
December 5, 2008: I left for my wild and crazy Bachelorette weekend in NYC!
December 8, 2008: My fish died.
December 11, 2008: We launched our online supplement superstore!
December 14, 2008: I won a 5K race in the morning, and in the afternoon, I bought a really big flat screen TV.
December 15, 2008: I did an awesome 5K speedwork run, which I should really be doing more often.
December 19, 2008: Meghann and I had a sleepover and watched Elf. Obviously.
December 24, 2008: I made the most awesome bowl of oatmeal, ever.
December 25, 2008: My brother in law Nick almost ruined Christmas.
December 26, 2008: The Husband left on his Bachelor Party.
December 27, 2008: I made my 2009 resolutions, which were to spend less money (um) and write a book (check!).
December 28, 2008: I ran 5.0 miles with Meghann in my first running skirt.
December 30, 2008: I had my bridal party, and my car got a flat tire on the way home.
December 31, 2008: I had the most amazing New Year’s Eve ever! About 30 of our friends and family members came out!
… And three days later (on January 3), the Husband and I got married! And I got to wear this sweet hat:
What were you doing one year ago in December 2008? I was totally consumed by the wedding one year ago, and now it’s all about the Operation Beautiful book!
I was just newly married! I can’t believe its been a year.