Another British-inspired breakfast:
Egg in a Hole is so delicious! I use a bicycle water bottle to cut out a hole in the bread, put the slices on a greased griddle, and drop an egg in each hole.
The result is a slightly runny center surrounded by toast. Those Brits are so smart.
And grapes:
To Do’s
I have some MAJORLY important things to get done today regarding the book and the upcoming Fat Talk Free Week. Here’s to hoping its a productive day for me AND you, too!
I couldn’t sleep last night and started to reminisce about my college days. I went to the University of Pittsburgh. Those 5 years (I graduated in 4 but stuck around for another year while the Husband finished school) were the best years of my life.
Freshman year, i lived in the “Towers†on the 16th floor. I think my dorm assignment was fate because my two future best friends were in the rooms on either side of mine!
After a year, we all moved into a house, and I lived with my BFF and two other girls for three years. That house was pretty crazy. :) Then, I moved into an an apartment with the Boyfriend – AKA Future Husband – AKA Husband. This was out first bedroom. A tapestry – how college of us.
College was crazy, but so full of experiences. Friends made, friends lost (both literally and metaphorically), great classes, better parties… And lots of sitting on porches.
I got Maggie the August after I graduated. She looks so young in this picture, but she was two years old. We got James 6 months later.
College was great. I wish I could go back and relive it, even the bad parts, all over again.
The last time I got to see my college girls was my wedding and Apple Blossom. I’m thinking about going up north for a long road trip to visit everyone in January after the marathon. I could just sleep on their couches and blog from their coffee tables for a week or so. :) Once the book is complete, I’ll have some time on my hands if I don’t get a job right away… I should use that time wisely.
Did you/do you like college as much as I did? What about high school? Personally, I hated high school, with the exception of the fact that I met my friend Lisette there!
i love college and high school.. more than uni at least.. cos in college and high school, classes were smaller, which made the whole class feel as a whole. and my bff was with me throughout high school.. and i miss her so much cos now she’s overseas..
James is adorable btw!