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Shop til you drop is an understatement!  I am so tired from shopping that I need a nappy. 


But I had success in the dress department!


Honestly, the winner was not my favorite dress but the price was right, and I can wear it again.  I’m happy (and not broke).


Before we left, I fueled with a Chocolate Amazing Grass (with milk, a banana, and ice):


And while shopping I munched on this bar:


I did buy these sweet new sunglasses.  I feel very mod in them.


(That’s my mod face.)


I also posted this Operation Beautiful note:


My mom took me to this hole-in-the-wall joint for lunch.


The decor on the inside was… ahh.. interesting? (My mom looks kind of scared in this picture!)


But the food was really good!  I had a falafel:


And asked for the cucumber sauce on the side:


It was a really great falafel, but it kind of gave me a tummy ache (fried stuff usually does, so I’m not surprised). 


As mentioned, I’m going to go NAP!  Hey, it’s my vacation.  :)  And then we’re going on a hike/run (I love two-a-days).


Are you having an excellent Sunday, too?  I hope so!



  • chandra h August 9, 2009, 12:56 pm

    lol – "this is my mod face". 🙂 heeheeeee

    glad you had success w/ shopping! i love how so many food bloggers who are going to the HLS are on shopping missions this week for cocktail dresses, and then just showing us readers their bag with the promise of revealing their purchase on the future cocktail party blog post =) i can't wait to see what everyone got!

    enjoy the rest of your vaca and that NAP. 🙂

  • Thinspired August 9, 2009, 12:57 pm

    Can't wait to see the dress! Isn't it the best when you get a bargain on something you love and will wear again?! I think mom's are the lucky charm when it comes to shopping. I always find great stuff when I'm with her! 🙂

  • Runeatrepeat August 9, 2009, 12:59 pm

    I am having the hardest time with hills where we just moved. There were never hills where I lived in California!

  • emily - eatventures August 9, 2009, 12:59 pm

    I'm glad you found a dress! I spent HOURS at the mall yesterday to find a dress for a semi-formal event this week and I too ended up with "no great, but not too much and I can wear it again."

  • Jenna August 9, 2009, 1:05 pm

    can't wait to see what dress you picked out!!

  • Amanda August 9, 2009, 1:26 pm

    I love White House Black Market! Can't wait to see what you got 🙂

  • Lauren August 9, 2009, 1:44 pm

    That's wonderful you found a dress, and on sale?!?! It was definitely meant to be. I am sure you look stunning in it too.

    Sounds like you are having a great time at your parents. Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacay!

  • Jenn Eats Nutritiously Now August 9, 2009, 1:46 pm

    Well I'm glad you found a dress even though it wasn't your favorite.

  • Adi ( August 9, 2009, 2:06 pm

    Happy napping! I squeeze in one today too. 🙂

  • Jess August 9, 2009, 2:29 pm

    You are too cute, Miss Caitlin! "This is my mod face" 😀

    I love Black House White Market, so I'm excited to see what you got!

  • inmytummy August 9, 2009, 2:37 pm

    Haha, I like your mod face.

  • K from ksgoodeats August 9, 2009, 3:09 pm

    Glad you had a shopping success!! I love hole in the wall restaurants – they're diamonds in the rough!

  • Oh She Glows August 9, 2009, 3:19 pm

    LOL @ mod face….I was thinking to myself…wow she does look mod! bahaha

    Your mom is so pretty- just like you!!

  • Jessica August 9, 2009, 3:24 pm

    Lovin' the sunglasses! Also I can't wait to see the dress!

  • Living and Loving In L.A. August 9, 2009, 3:42 pm

    What a great day! I'm so glad I just stumbled upon your blog, it's super cute. Hope you had a great weekend! XO!

  • Haleigh August 9, 2009, 4:23 pm

    Lovin the sunglasses girl! And I can't wait to see what dress you picked out.

    P.S. your mom is gorgeous- as are you!


  • Sheri August 9, 2009, 4:35 pm

    Can't wait to see the new dress! The new sun glasses look great…mod face. You crack me up!

    Enjoy the rest of your vacation 🙂

  • Ashley Lauren August 9, 2009, 4:45 pm

    I love White House Black Market! They were having some great sales this past week 🙂

  • She-Fit August 9, 2009, 6:13 pm

    Ohhh. I love black house white market. They have some of the cutest things in there. Although since I will be wearing scrubs most of my life I have no need to shop there except for special occasion.

  • Bec August 9, 2009, 6:20 pm

    sounds like a great day with your mom!

  • Angela (Run Study Eat) August 9, 2009, 6:33 pm

    Haha nice "mod face." My Sunday is going great!

  • Andee (Runtolive) August 9, 2009, 10:35 pm

    haha love the sunglasses look
    can't wait to see what dress you bought!

  • seesaraheat August 11, 2009, 6:15 am

    Aww, I love falafel! But fried stuff does that to me too so I feel your pain 😉

    But it's what keeps me from eating fried foods most of the time so I guess it can be both a blessing and a curse.

Healthy Tipping Point