Healthy Living Summit Dinner

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I just wanted to say that I plan to do a real recap (with actual text) on Monday.  These posts have been really picture-intense! 🙂


The Summit wrapped up with several more presentations, including one from organic dairy farmer Regina.  Her cow’s milk goes into Stonyfield yogurt🙂 I LOVED her presentation — agriculture really interests me (dork alert).


I snacked on some POM Wonderful juice (1/2 this bottle):


And some of this Fruition bar (again, 1/2 of what is shown):


I also had a cookie from Nina from Health Sweet Health.  I won her vegan cookies at the Team in Training Bake Sale — soooo GOOD!


By the time the Summit wrapped up (will recap details later, I promise!), I was seriously, seriously exhausted.


(Talking to the Husband – I miss him sooo much!)


I grabbed a Frap before our next Summit event:


Then, about 40 of the girls joined up for the Fisherman’s Fest



The Fisherman’s Fest is an awesome Italian food festival took place in Little Italy North End (excuse me!).  It was really fun to explore the area and taste all the different foods!  It was SUPER crowded though and hard to stick together at first as we tried to grab food!






My dinner was kind of a roaming/shared dinner with Megan and Kelly.  I love to go to festivals and try a lot of little things with friends!


We started off Fried Rice Ball (rice, spinach, and cheese rolled in a ball and lightly fried).  It was really delicious and not as greasy as I expected — it was actually a huge hit between us girls!



And Kelly and I split cheese ravioli:


Which was also AMAZING.  Pretty impressive festival food!


Next up:  Tina stumbled upon this wine bar, which was a great find.  I love Barefoot wine, and it’s such a good deal — under $10 a bottle!



I had sips (didn’t finish any of these because I was feeling rather dehydrated!) of the Riesling:


And a Brut Cuvee:


And another really lovely champagne (the name escapes me right now!):






If you’re in Little Italy, you MUST go to Mike’s Pastry, right?  I’ve seen Mike’s Pastry on Kath‘s blog before and was super excited to see what all the buzz was about.


The line was out the door!

But the wait was worth it…


Sarah from Ghost World helped me eat it.  :)  It actually became public cannoli


And then we cabbed it back home!  Thank goodness – my feet were tired from another 2.0 + miles of walking.


We have a full day planned in Boston tomorrow — a run, brunch, and then sightseeing.  I love Beantown!



  • Erica August 15, 2009, 8:27 pm

    Looks like you are having SO much fun! The raviolis look super yummy! We just got back from our doggy trip with a new doggy 😉

  • Leianna August 15, 2009, 8:31 pm

    That cheese ravioli looks really fresh. And what a great way to end the night with a sweet treat like a cannoli, YUMMY!

  • Anonymous August 15, 2009, 8:43 pm

    It is called the North end in Boston, not Little Italy…

  • Nina August 15, 2009, 8:46 pm

    Caitlin, thank you so much for putting together the summit with the other ladies! I had SUCH a blast! I cannot wait for HLS 2010!

    PS (i'm glad you like my cookies 🙂 )

  • Sarah August 15, 2009, 9:00 pm

    Thanks for all of the work you put into the summit. It was a wonderful event that I hope you all can continue with!

  • taleoftwovegans August 15, 2009, 9:15 pm

    Sounds like tons of fun and the Healthy Living Summit looks like it went great. I am working my way through the video of it! I have to say though, you and Kelly look SO similar! In your past few posts I keep thinking you are her and vice versa!!
    Have fun in Boston tomorrow!

  • Angela (Run Study Eat) August 15, 2009, 10:04 pm

    MMMM! I really want one…maybe two! of those fried rice balls. A handful of that cheese ravioli and a pot belly of Mike;s Pastries! MMMM.

  • Caitlin August 16, 2009, 4:07 am

    whoops – not little italy – north end!

  • Kristin August 16, 2009, 5:05 am

    I LOVE Italian food and I ams so jealous of that cannoli! Yum!


  • Lizzy August 16, 2009, 5:54 am

    o man your canoli looked amazing! holy yum

  • Niki August 16, 2009, 6:32 am

    Holy Yum! That food looks delish!

  • NYgirl@heart August 16, 2009, 7:09 am

    We lost sad about that. A few of us walked around the corner to grab some food and when we went back to the spot where the beer was everyone was gone so I assumed you guys took off. It was awesome meeting you and I'm so glad you guys were here in Boston. I'll be emailing you this week to talk to you about the Miami area..Dennis has an interview in Ft. Lauderdale next week.
    Enjoy your last day in Boston!

  • Andee (Runtolive) August 16, 2009, 11:13 am

    That cannoli looks awesome! I've never tried it before, but looks delicious

  • *Erica* August 16, 2009, 12:17 pm

    What FUN! A streetfair with 40 of your "closest" friends! Looks like a ball!

    Your TNT bakesale was such a great idea, and I bet you raised a good amount of money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!

    I bet you ARE exhausted! Maybe you should grab another one of those delicious-looking frapps! 😉

  • Penny August 16, 2009, 11:47 pm

    I have never in my life had a cannoli! That's almost embarrasing to admit. I have been wanting to try one for years. I am willingly to bet they are fantastic.
    HLS looks like it was so much fun!

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