It’s shaping up to be a CRAZY morning! The Orlando Sentential article hit the streets and my inbox was flooded with messages. Guess what?
- The Examiner did an article that lists my top tips for ending Fat Talk
- posted a review of Operation Beautiful
- I’m going to be on the LOCAL NEWS on Monday morning!
I am SO incredibly nervous to be on television! I’m normally OK with public speaking, but something about cameras makes me a little scared. Are you good at public speaking? Any on-camera tips for me?
All of this excitement happened while I was working! LOL
My mid-morning snack was a juicy plum:
And lunch was a simple bagel, cheese, and egg sammie with a carrot on the side.
The bagel is an Thomas Whole Wheat. Yummy!
Plus, a sweet ending:
Major kudos again to the following ladies who contributed to my Team in Training efforts! THANK YOU!
- Anna
- Samma
- Kacy
If you’re loving what I’ve done with Healthy Tipping Point or Operation Beautiful, I would really appreciate any donation to my TNT efforts. Remember, every dollar you give helps the fight against blood cancers! 🙂
wow! congrats! way to go! could you post your Local news appearance too? thanks! behind you all the way! and once again, thanks for the operation beautiful and your blog! love it! hope i'll get mine going well someday!