For some yummy recipes, check out Jenna’s new E-Cookbook! All proceeds go to the fight against cancer. Visit her blog for more info.
The bright spot of the morning was definitely kissing the Husband good-bye and watching him drive off in his new car! He looked so happy. 🙂
Snackies included:
Apricots + supplements. I’m starting to take a new Chinese herb called Gotu Kola (aka Heavenly Water) because, to be honest, my PMS has been really out of hand lately. The Husband’s teachers swear this stuff works wonders, so I’m willing to give it a go!
Plus, a platter lunch!
Hummus + mini whole wheat pitas (I love these things).
Plus, crunchy carrots + celery and grapes.
My little cow helped me eat some of the carrots. Watch out, she’ll take off your finger!
James is so much more delicate:
Planning and Tracking Workouts
My quest to 5.0 milers is shaping up quite nicely! Week 1 of 6 is done!
I’m a big believer in training schedules when you are trying to reach a specific fitness goal (like running a new distance or trying a new activity, like biking) because it helps you understand the steps necessary to reach your destination.
My current goal is to be running 5.0-milers again by the end of July. My longest distance since the 15.0-mile trail race in April has been a 5K, and I want to gain distance SAFELY and SLOWLY to ensure I don’t aggravate my knee injury.
I keep an Excel spreadsheet on my computer and highlight days I do the work in green, and I highlight the days I skip exercises in red.
I’m fine with being flexible — if I don’t do the scheduled workout, but I do something different, I highlight it in yellow and write what I actually did in the space. Towards the end of this schedule, I start doing back-to-back running days, which my PT has said I want to ease into. If I end up not being able to do that, then I’ll just modify my plan and do cross-training instead.
For a list of my recommended training plans, check out this post.
How do you keep track of your workouts? Do you use training programs?
I love that you are so organized with your training schedule! It really does help doesn't it! Your lunch platter looks super yummy!