Regarding the comments that Maggie could in fact run with me and she doesn’t need a doggie jogging stroller, you have clearly never met my fat little moo cow. :) Maggie spends most of her day like this:
And walking around the block is enough exercise to knock her into a coma-like sleep on the couch for several hours. Now, James can run about 1 mile with me, but he is also a little lazy and has no endurance, due to hours spent like this:
:) One day we will get a German Shepherd who will run with me. Until then, I will settle for couch potatoes (or a jogging stroller).
Before lunch, I had a handful of cereal:
Lunch was just leftover pizza (thanks again, Hubby!) and broc:
"Dessert" was a scoop of coffee frozen yogurt:
Healthy Living Summit Announcement!
Are you excited for the Healthy Living Summit? I just bought my plane ticket to Boston this morning! I am so excited!
Tickets are going to go on sale this Thursday at 8:00 PM EST. Remember, for the low, low price of $30, you get to experience the following awesomeness:
- On Friday, August 14, the 125 attendees will be treated to an amazing ice-breaker cocktail party at a swanky Boston restaurant.
- On Saturday, August 15, attendees will attend a day-long "conference" with tons of fun activities, product taste tests, informational speakers, and more. The day includes a Stonyfield and Mix My Granola breakfast bar, a lovely lunch, and a PM snack.
- PLUS, you’ll get an amazing Swag Bag filled with awesome products. Click here for a list of the product sponsors for the Summit — more to come!
- Check out the website for more: Healthy Living Summit
Registration will take place via the Healthy Living Summit website’s registration page. Tickets go on sale at 8 PM EST on Thursday, and we expect the event will sell out.
But guess what? Kath, Tina, Meghann, Heather, Jenna, and I have decided to give away one free ticket to our readers on EACH of our blogs. Yes, that means you’ll have six opportunities to win a free ticket to the summit!
I will be giving my ticket away TOMORROW, so come back for your chance to enter! Your free ticket does not include transportation or hotel costs. Furthermore, please do not enter if you cannot make it to Boston on August 14 – 15.
A reminder: Registration will take place via the Healthy Living Summit website’s registration page. Tickets go on sale at 8 PM EST on Thursday, and it is first-come, first-serve!
I may have said this once or twice (or maybe a million) times already, but I WISH I COULD MAKE IT!