The Precious Present

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Today was a sad dayMeghann and I drove to Tampa to honor Jenna’s little brother and attend the Celebration of Life held in his honor.


As you may have heard, Jenna’s brother passed away unexpectedly last Friday.  I never had the pleasure of meeting John, but I wanted to attend the funeral in support of Jenna, who is really as amazing, kind, and thoughtful as she seems on her blog.


Before we left, I had lunch, which consisted of a veggie burger on a slice of whole wheat toast.  My camera ate that picture, sorry!  I also had a side salad with some raw cashews.


And an orange:


Part of the reason why I woke up so earlier for work is that I took a half day to attend the funeral.  Meghann picked me up at noon and we drove across the state to Tampa.  On the way, I snacked on a Z-Bar:


Honestly, the funeral was lovely, but I’m not sure how much I want to/feel like it’s appropriate to describe it in detail.  It’s hard to draw the line between our personal lives and our blog lives (sometimes it seems like there is NO line!), but I think this is an instance where I’ll leave it to Jenna to describe as she wants.


The main thrust of the service was that the real gift we give ourselves is living in the now and enjoying the present.  The precious present is all we have.  When someone so young and so joyful is taken from us, I think it causes us all to reflect on the "big picture" in life.   Please… hug someone you love and tell them what they mean to you.  Call a friend and say hello.  Try something that scares you.  Take a chance. Life is too short!


Jenna’s family hosted a lovely reception at their house following the service.   Even though it was 4:00, I pretty much ate my dinner!


I had some fruit and two small deli sammies.


Plus one of those cookies that Jenna has been raving about the past few days:


Pretty amazing!


On the way home, I realized how terrible I felt.  Many I’m just manifesting my emotions physically, but I feel pretty run-down and tired.  I was suppose to go back to work tonight…. and yet the bed sounds like a much better plan. 


I made a quick Chobani, Kashi TLC, and cereal mix for my "dinner."


And now, I’m going to bed!


But first…. I just wanted to add that I feel like our blog community is amazing.  There were so many flowers , cards, cookies ,and gifts for Jenna and her family that were sent from readers from all over the world, and I know it really touches her to read your thoughtful comments on her postings.  Without blogging, I would have never met Jenna or Meghann, and I’m really grateful for the beautiful friendships that blogging has given me. 


Good night.  I love you!



  • Courtney (The Hungry Yogini) April 29, 2009, 4:45 pm

    I was at the service today and it really was beautiful! Can you believe all those kids there…so amazing. They were so strong.

  • just me April 29, 2009, 4:52 pm

    I wish I could have been there to support jenna and her family and celebrate john’s life. i actually made my boss stop the boat at 2pm so i could take a moment of silence and just as you said, acknowledge the precious present.

  • Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point April 29, 2009, 4:56 pm

    courtney and melissa – i love you girls!!

  • Colleen April 29, 2009, 4:58 pm

    What a beautiful post! We love you too!

    I hope you feel better!

  • MaryBe April 29, 2009, 5:05 pm

    It must have been so difficult to attend, but Jenna and her family will never forget it. It means so much, at a time like this

  • K from ksgoodeats April 29, 2009, 5:26 pm

    I think it’s admirable that you all went to show your support for Jenna and her family.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  • Meghann April 29, 2009, 5:32 pm

    You did a great job on this post. I just did not know what to say, it was almost too personal.

    Love you!!

  • Adi ( April 29, 2009, 5:44 pm

    You and Meghan both posted so graciously on this. Thanks for sharing what you did.

    I second your comment… I’m a new blogger and barely a part of the community, but I have read the blogs for about a year now and feel connected to girls I’ve never met. What awesome, strong, inspirational people we get the chance to know through blogs.

  • Lauren April 29, 2009, 5:47 pm

    Amen Caitlin! Beautiful post and you are such a great friend for supporting Jenna and her family.

    Take care hun and get some well deserved rest.

  • Balance, Joy and Delicias! April 29, 2009, 5:53 pm

    really sweet post Caitlin! 🙂

  • Brandi April 29, 2009, 6:08 pm

    That is awesome that you guys were able to go and support Jenna and her family.

    enjoy your night 🙂

  • Meg April 29, 2009, 6:24 pm

    I am sure Jenna was so thankful that you guys were there! I feel the same way…I am so thankful for the friends that blogging has brought into my life.

  • ttfn300 April 29, 2009, 6:35 pm

    how touching! glad you were able to attend and show support 🙂

  • Stephanie April 29, 2009, 6:48 pm

    This breaks my heart. I wish I could have shown my support. Too bad I live in Houston!! That was incredibly sweet of you and Meghann.

  • runjen April 29, 2009, 7:00 pm

    Beautiful post. I think that reading Jenna’s posts over the past few days have been a huge awakening for a lot of us. So glad you got to be there for her.

  • Life.Art.MidnightSnacks. April 29, 2009, 7:02 pm

    Thank you so much for that post- I had Jenna in my thoughts today at 2pm and thought you were very respectful in your post today. She is lucky to have blogger friends like you guys.

  • Mica April 29, 2009, 7:09 pm

    Thanks for this post, Caitlin. I’m sure Jenna really appreciates both your friendship and your presence today at the service.

  • Angela (Oh She Glows) April 29, 2009, 7:09 pm

    Oh what a beautiful post…I admire you for not going into the detail of the funeral. You are such a respectful and compassionate person. My thoughts were with Jenna and her family all day.

  • livelaughlyss April 29, 2009, 7:13 pm

    This was perfect… and so beautifully written. My post today was all about taking chances, and you just reassured me that by taking a chance, I’m doing the right thing. LIFE IS SHORT AND PRECIOUS. Thanks for this, Caitlin. 🙂

  • livelaughlyss April 29, 2009, 7:14 pm

    This was perfect… and so beautifully written. My post today was all about taking chances, and you just reassured me that by taking a chance, I’m doing the right thing. LIFE IS SHORT AND PRECIOUS. Thanks for this, Caitlin. 🙂

  • Carrie H April 29, 2009, 7:36 pm

    Thanks for all you girls do. You are so right about appreciating the present and telling those around us so. I just called my mom and dad and my sister to say so.

  • Homegirl Brooke April 29, 2009, 7:57 pm

    Hi! I’ve been a frequent reader for months now (back when you were see bride run!) and I finally made my own blog after being so inspired by you and other bloggers! But I always love reading your posts and reading about your exercise (runnin!) tips. Anyways! I also read Jenna’s blog everyday and even though I’ve never met her, I have been thinking about her brother and her family every since the tragedy happened. It is so so so sad and I am so glad to hear that it was a beautiful service with loads of support and love!

  • sloank April 29, 2009, 11:16 pm

    This was such a great post, and so true! I’m so glad our comments help Jenna because it cases like this you just feel so helpless. I wish we all could have been there to give her a big huge hug. I am definitely going to enjoy the precious present as best I can!!! Thanks for the post!!

  • Leah @ Simply Fabulous April 29, 2009, 11:22 pm

    I think it is so wonderful that both you and Meghann could attend the service. I’m positive that Jenna appreciated the two of you being there. It’s amazing what friends can do for us in these times. The blogging community is definitely a strong one!

  • Thinspired April 30, 2009, 12:31 am

    It is so wonderful that you could be there to support Jenna. I’m sure it meant more than we know. I love your thoughts on the present. It reminds me of that quote by Eleanor Roosevelt:
    “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that’s why they call it the present.”

  • Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point April 30, 2009, 3:25 am


  • Bridget April 30, 2009, 8:32 am

    I'm so glad that you were able to be there for Jenna. There is nothing like the support of good friends to help through the most difficult of situations. <3

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