Coming Home!

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We’re home!! I’m so relieved.  It was a loooong 10 hours in the car, but it’s over now and at least I’m at home.  Oh, and I have a freshly stocked refrigerator.  🙂


The driving was very repetitive.  I ate a banana


And drank a Starbucks Double Shot:


Ate a Cadbury Caramel Egg my mom gave me (she’s the Easter Bunny, after all!)


Stopped for lunch at Subway and had a 6-inch wheat with turkey and veggies + a bag of baked BBQ chips.


A handful of this weird (but good) trail mix.


When we got back to Orlando, we drove to the grocery store and stocked up so we could actually eat dinner.  Brought to you by the weirdo:


1 cup of Creamy Tomato Soup.


And a small WW baguette with melted cheddar and a side salad.


Goodnight! I need to catch up on my TV – LOST, Gossip Girl, Big Love… oh my!



  • *Andrea* March 22, 2009, 6:27 pm

    sounds like you had a successful trip!! i am guilty of drinking those starbucks shots A LOT at school 😉 charlotte sounds beautiful and the perfect spot for you two with your inlaws and some friends there too. i’ve never really moved but i do enjoy traveling to far places 😉

  • VeggieGirl March 22, 2009, 6:28 pm

    Oooh, that trail mix looks like jewels!!

    Congratulations on deciding to move to Charlotte!!

  • Meghann March 22, 2009, 6:30 pm

    haha I’m a con? Is it weird that makes me happy?!?! *sniff*sniff I will miss you but its not until 2010 and I will come visit you mucho times. I’ve never been to Charlotte and you have inspired me to explore it!

    I missed you this weekend. You missed out on some great fun!!! I need to see your beautiful face again!

  • Julia March 22, 2009, 6:31 pm

    I moved from Tokyo Japan to California all by myself for college. I’m still here 5 years later.
    Charlotte looks like a nice place. I’m very excited for you!

  • Amy March 22, 2009, 6:32 pm

    Our biggest move was just over 6 years ago from Miami to Durham, but we love it!

  • Haleigh March 22, 2009, 6:33 pm

    Sounds like an amazing trip and congrats on the decision to move to Charlotte! My biggest move was from Tulsa, Ok to Sweden in 2007. Different culture, climate, language, everything but I loved it there!

  • Megan March 22, 2009, 6:33 pm

    ahhhh yayyyyy!!! so exciting, you’ll love living in Charlotte.

    i went from Delaware to California for school last year. in reality it’s only 3000 miles and it only takes one 6hour flight+3hour drive to get home, but it feels further!

  • greendogwine March 22, 2009, 6:33 pm

    I think you’ll be surprised with the weather in NC! I mean – it’ll be an adjustment from your beautiful FL weather – but you can probably run outside 3/4th of the year! (That’s better than 1/4 in icky Cleveland!)
    Good luck with the decision! I’m sure Meghann will come visit! 🙂

  • Justine March 22, 2009, 6:35 pm

    Charlotte looked like tons of fun! And at least you’ve got plenty of time before you’re planning on moving so you can really think about it and plan!

    My biggest move was from Ohio to Houston in 2007 after I graduated college. I moved 1200 miles from my family, friends, and (now) fiance and knew NO ONE here. But it worked out well and I’ve enjoyed my time here!

  • Kimberly March 22, 2009, 6:36 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS! Your mommy must be thrilled 🙂 Charlotte seems to have a young, growing population, and so most definitely a better economic climate than central FL.

    My biggest move was probably to New York City for college… at age 17, I packed up and moved from sheltered, homogeneous Ormond Beach, FL to Greenwich Village, in order to start at a college where I didn’t know a single person. It was the best year of my life, but when that first snowfall hit, I and the California kids had NO idea what to do, much less own any gloves or scarves!

    P.S. Am glad to see the weirdo back.

  • Matt March 22, 2009, 6:37 pm

    I’m sure it’ll be for the best!

    My biggest move was coming here to school. It’s so much different than living at home! I like it though…

  • HangryPants March 22, 2009, 6:38 pm

    Well, the weather won’t be too bad, right? I mean it’s not Florida, but it’s not Vermont either! All the other benefits seem great. Maybe you can convince Meghann to go too!

    Distance wise, my biggest move was from Rhode Island to Philly for college, but in experience, it was moving to New York City. It was my first time really living in a big city!

  • d.a.r. March 22, 2009, 6:43 pm

    I run year-round in Kansas…believe me, you will be fine in NC! I thought I would die this winter, but it turned out not nearly as bad as I thought. And I am a big wimp!! Fall weather eases you into it, I promise. I only ended up on the treadmill maybe 6-7 times because I refuse to run in ice 🙂

  • Beth March 22, 2009, 6:46 pm

    You’ll be FINE running year round in Charlotte. You may have to bundle a bit, but trust me – as a former NCer I can vouch it is doable. The weather there is not THAT bad.

  • Mica March 22, 2009, 6:50 pm

    Wow, exciting news, Caitlin!

    I actually laughed about the “no more year-round running” since I consider the mid-Atlantic perfect running conditions for the winter! (Not too warm, not too cold, just right!) I’m sure you’ll adjust perfectly. 🙂

    Thanks for keeping us all in “the know”!

  • RunToFinish March 22, 2009, 6:52 pm

    i am in a very strange moving position right now… my hubs is waiting to see what happens with his job and we may find out next week or in like 6 months that he has to move! it’s kind of annoying, but I’m excited for it too!

  • Meg March 22, 2009, 6:52 pm

    What a big and exciting decision! Congrats!

  • jane March 22, 2009, 6:58 pm

    isn’t the weather in Charlotte nice too? gotta be better than pittsburgh! and you can still run year round, honestly you get used to colder weather. as long as you have the right gear and a little motivation, it’s possible 🙂

  • Carlee March 22, 2009, 6:58 pm

    You could definitely still get in year round running. I’ve learned to love running in CT in the winter; it’s just less dependable.

  • Allison March 22, 2009, 7:06 pm

    Oh don’t you worry Cait! I live in NC and I DEF do year round running, just with mittens in the winter. I just moved out here from southern California, and NC is the greatest thing to happen to me EVER. Also, I’ll be living in Charlotte for a job for the summer, so I’ll be sure to scope out all the good places for you. But coming from a girl who spent her whole life thinking 70 degrees was chilly, NC is very habitable. You’ll love it! Congrats!

  • Bec March 22, 2009, 7:14 pm

    I live in Canada and can attest that you can definitely still run year round, its just requires more clothing and accessories and isnt nearly as fun!

  • Victoria March 22, 2009, 7:34 pm

    Los Angeles to Fort Wayne, IN. I don’t think the two could be anymore different.

  • Christy March 22, 2009, 7:34 pm

    i Caitlin! I’m Christy from California that bought your cookies at Meghann’s last bake sale.

    I moved from Charlotte, NC(!!) to Monterey, CA last July. I loved, loved, loved NC. Especially Charlotte. You’re going to love it. There’s so much to do there. And you can run outside year round…you just might have to wear a few more clothes during a few months.

    So my longest move was from Charlotte to California. Next year we’re moving from California to Jordan (in the middle east! My boyfriend is in the Army.) So…we’ll see how that move goes!

    Good luck to you guys. You’re going to love it!

  • sweetandfit March 22, 2009, 7:34 pm

    i havent been commenting this whole weekend, but I really enjoyed reading about your ventures looking around at the diff houses and and the realtors lisence plate cracked me up. I hope that whatever decision you make works out for the best =)

  • Caitlin March 22, 2009, 7:38 pm

    good luck with whatever you decide! I love the Carolinas btw!

  • Mrs. LC March 22, 2009, 7:40 pm

    I’m so excited for you! Reading your posts while you were up there has made me think more about Charlotte, too. 🙂 Except for us it’d probably be this summer if it happened…ah!

  • runjen March 22, 2009, 7:56 pm

    Welcome home! My biggest move was from Ohio to Nevada (and back again). It was the best thing we have ever done. Even though we are home, we had a blast discovering a part of the country together.

    Good luck on your decision with Charlotte. Such a neat city!

  • jenngirl March 22, 2009, 8:18 pm

    Welcome home! Glad you survived that drive! 🙂

  • ChickPea March 22, 2009, 9:42 pm

    You know Easter is around the corner when those Cadbury eggs start appearing…

  • Kailey (SnackFace) March 22, 2009, 9:48 pm

    Woohoo! Welcome home and congrats on the decision! It looks like you had a fabulous time there. I haven’t had a huge move yet, but I’m sure there will be some in the near futre. Umm I laughed aloud with the can of soup “brought to you by this weirdo.” Haha! I hope you have a great start to your week 🙂

  • emily March 22, 2009, 10:13 pm

    I’m glad your trip was so successful!

  • Run Saraaah March 22, 2009, 10:25 pm

    I’ve never tried that soup…the cans always creep me out! Have fun catching up on tv!

  • Sarah (lovINmytummy) March 22, 2009, 11:58 pm

    Ahh…cadbury eggs, how I love to suck your filling out…

  • Sarah W. March 23, 2009, 6:58 am

    big love is on my list to watch tonmight!!! iw as busy last night!

  • Tina March 23, 2009, 9:00 am

    That creamy tomato soup is so good!

Healthy Tipping Point