It’s only my second day back to work and it seems like the poo is already hitting the fan. I wish I was in Napa on my honeymoon. 🙁
So, yes — my dad raced a 125 mile bike race yesterday! How cool is that? He does tons of crazy long distance races during which he has to sleep on the side of the road and whatnot. I got my athleticism from my pap! Here’s his sweet bike (its actually a tricycle):
Lunch was an easy and healthy version of a quesadilla.
My quesadella (which I pressed in the George Foreman) included:
- 1/2 a small sweet potato, cooked and mashed
- 1/2 cup black beans
- 1 tablespoon Anne’s Organic BBQ sauce
- 1/4 cup shredded Italian cheese
It was pretty unique and delicious tasting! Go George Foreman!
With some celery and carrots on the side…
Back to the grind!
What’s your favorite part of your job? What’s your least favorite? My favorite part is the creative writing I get to do (sometimes; mostly it’s just technical stuff). My least favorite part is being removed from office politics since I work from home.
My favourite part is my kids – I love teaching them and seeing them develop! It is so rewarding.
Worst? The commuting! It takes about 1 and a half hours each direction :S