My mid-morning snack was Grape Nuts and milk. :) I don't think my oatmeal held me over as well as I would've liked. And I've been CRAVING veggies since my booze-filled bachelorette party this weekend, so I made yet another big side salad to go with my lunch-time sammie. Grilled cheese doesn't have to be [...]
December 2008
I read New Moon last night until MIDNIGHT, which let me tell you -- is way, way past my bedtime. I'm paying for it this AM. But, I simply CANNOT put the Twilight series down. Meghann and I are switching our normal Thursday dates to Wednesday so we can go see the movie TONIGHT. I'm [...]
Good evening! I feel so much better now than I did earlier. I hate to admit this -- but I had yet another wedding-related freak out around 3 PM. I just put my head on my desk and cried. In case you haven't noticed, I don't deal with stress very well. It just overwhelms me! [...]
Good afternoon! I hope the day is flying by for you, too! When I was at Wal-Mart yesterday, I looked for NF plain yogurt, but (of course) could only find yucky flavored stuff. I settled on this type of yogurt: I have a few problems with the nutritionals of this yogurt compared to my [...]
Morning, lovelies. I woke up about 1/2 hour earlier than normal because I need to get crackin' on work ASAP. I have a dress fitting at 5:30. This is just one of the many, many wedding-related appointments I have over the next 3.5 weeks: Dress Fitting - December 9 Florist - December 13 Dress [...]
Good evening! Whew! I always feel so overwhelmed when I come back from a vacation -- getting into my normal routine is comforting, but there's always "clean up" work to do after letting stuff go for a few days. Work was actually.... REALLY GREAT today! I know I don't discuss my job that much, [...]
I am SO happy to be eating normally again -- and not drinking! My body is craving nourishment and hydration! I started the day with simple banana oatmeal. Starbucks Perfect Oatmeal is great in a pinch, but I really enjoy the consistency of oatmeal more when it's made with milk + banana. My oatmeal [...]
OMG.... My bachelorette party in New York City was out of control and so much fun! I had an extremely great time seeing my college girlfriends! Let's head back to the beginning.... On Friday, I flew to Philly and met up with my Maid of Honor Sarah, Bridesmaid Lauren, and friend Scully. We [...]
GOOD MORNING! I leave for my bachelorette party in NYC in just a few minutes! Soooo excited. I had a warm and satisfying bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. I need FUEL for the fun! Just a normal bowl of oatmeal.... 1/2 cup oatmeal 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup water 1 sliced banana Topping: Grape [...]
Good afternoon! I had another wedding-related freak out around 9:30. This was a major oversight on my behalf, but I completely overlooked ceremony decor. Our site provides chairs and an arbor, but the arbor isn't exactly great on its own.... and we are a little overbudget already, so the last thing I want to [...]
UM.... I just got really excited because I realized there is actually 29 days left until the wedding, NOT 30! It's like I just flew forward in time. Woo hooo! In other news.... I should've mentioned in last night's post that the lovely Coach duffel was not, in fact, a Coach duffel. I bought [...]
I spent my evening in a whirlwind! The stress of wrapping up work, preparing for the wedding, trying to fit in runs.... ugh. It's starting to get to me! And stress means stress eating. I ate a little bit of a chocolate chip cookie around 2 PM. And around 4 PM, I had a [...]
Good afternoon! Mid-morning snack was dried apricots and a Z-Bar (yyyyay!) And lunch incorporated - what else - SPROUTS! Sprouts + PB sounds unusual, but its really a very yummy combo! With a carrots and some grapes on the side... Back to work I go! Has anyone ever gotten a mud bath? I really [...]