December 2008

Good morning!  The soreness continues.  I think speedwork makes me more sore than lazily running long distances.  Perhaps it's the insane pounding?   For breakfast, I made Egg White French Toast Waffles and I dressed them up with blackberries, half a banana, and slice almonds.  YUM! After lightly toasting two frozen waffles, I dredged them [...]


I Feel the Need…

The Need for SPEED!   Ok, I'm officially addicted to speedwork.  My 5K made me want to push myself harder and harder and get faster and faster.  Of course, I still love long distances, but with my knees being the way they are, my new passion for short and fast is probably a VERY good [...]


I have developed a serious obsession with  Yes, I know 10-day forecasts are BS.  I also know we're 18 days away from W-Day.  BUT, I cannot help but check the forecast obsessively.   Pray for warmth!   It looks like a cold spell is coming in at Christmas, so maybe a warm spell will be [...]


Morning! WOWZA.  I am SORE from yesterday's 5K race.  Not Half Marathon-sore, but tons worse than any of the 10Ks or 15Ks I've done recently. Do you think it could be speed-related?  The back of my thighs are on FIRE!!!   Today is my last Monday at work before the wedding.  Yes -- in total, [...]


After my 5K, I took a nap, showered, and had a Clif Bar. Meghann gave me this today and I was very anxious to taste the elusive Holiday Clif bars!  Verdict -- it was OK. Not amazing like a Spooky Smore Z-Bar or anything, but still very good.   Then, we went to the mall [...]


Dash of the Elves 5k

I came, I ran, I WON! That's right! I WON my first race (well, I won the female division of a 80-person race, but I don't like to minimize accomplishments, so WHATEVER!).    I felt sooo horrible last night (killer headache), and I wasn't sure I would be up to racing today.  I decided I [...]



I am laying on the couch, very sick.  I must be running a fever that makes me agree to pretty much anything, because I just gave Future Husband verbal clearance to buy a 60-something inch flat screen TV.   Oh my.   I really, really hope he doesn't come home with a ginormous box.   [...]


On Hiatus

Hey guys! I've felt better, so I'm going to take a blogging break. See you tomorrow for a 10K race recap.   Love, Caitlin


Signature Cocktails

Evening!  Thank GOD it's Friday.... only 5 days of work before I'm freeeeeeeeeee on a glorious month- long vacation!   My mid-afternoon snacks consisted of.... Yogurt and Grape Nuts...   and... another Z-bar (two in one day)! And some cereal (honey bunches of oats)... I filled out insurance forms and marked "Single" for the last [...]


Crunchy Savory Sweet

Does the post title remind you of TLC "Crazy Sexy Cool"? If you are too young to remember the AWESOMENESS that was TLC in the early 1990's, I hate you.    :)   Mid-morning snack was the same as yesterday.... Z-bar and tea!   And lunch was a crunchy savory sweet sammie... My sammie contained [...]


Lazy Pants and December Challenge, Day 4

Morning!  I feel like such a lazy pants -- I kept telling myself I'm going to go for a morning run, and then my alarm clock goes off and I just lay there, debate, hit snooze, and go back to sleep.  I try all my old tricks -- thinking about how good it would feel [...]



I just got back from my 2nd dress fitting, and my wedding dress fits soooooo well now!  An extra inch of fabric goes a loooong way.  Most importantly -- I can BREATHE and SIT DOWN now!   This fitting was to make sure the new waist fit and to get the bottom hemmed.  While I [...]



The Holistic Doctor Is In!   As you all know, Future Husband, his parents, and I have been diligently working for more than six-months to launch an online supplement superstore. is an extension of his father's (Dr. Cushing) holistic clinic, which Future Husband manages part-time.   More than just an supplement superstore, was [...]


Lamest Dinner Yet

"Date night" with Meghann was a success, as always!  We met early at Target to find book #3 in the Twilight series.  It was there!  Hooorah! I now have a complete set (I'm finishing up book #2 now).    Then, we did a little shopping (or... I did!).  I saw a gorgeous dress in a [...]

Healthy Tipping Point