And we’re goin’ get marrrrried (in 58 days)!
EXCITING MORNING! Future Husband and I are leaving soon to go get our marriage license. This is a really big deal for me (and him, I think)! Since we’re not religious, legal recognition of our union is the most important thing, and I can’t wait to get it all inked on paper.
I had a tropical bowl of oatmeal to celebrate.
My oatmeal contained:
- 1/2 cup oatmeal
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 sliced banana
- Toppings: granola and coconut
With a lovely flower…..
And a nice cup of coffee for energy. 🙂
Taper Time
Tonight will be my last run before my 10K Race on Saturday! It’s time to start tapering (or resting up before the big day). Here are some tips for tapering.
I’m getting very excited for the 10k! I disappointed I didn’t get to stick to my advanced 10K training program because of my overuse injuries from the Half Marathon…. but mostly I’m grateful that I can run AT ALL! I’m still shooting for my goal time of 56 minutes!
Do You Have Road Runner’s Rage?
I burst out laughing when I saw the title of this article in the New York Times – "Road Runner Rage." But then I read the story and I realized that I’ve definitely been overcome with runner’s rage!
A few weeks ago, I was running on the sidewalk when a driver zoomed up on the side street, made a rolling stop, didn’t look right, and proceeded to fish tail into traffic. He almost hit me — and TRUST ME, if he had been going the speed limit and stopped correctly, he would’ve seen me for sure! I FREAKED OUT and definitely threw up my arms in disgust. It was more of a startle reaction than a "rage" reaction, as it was certainly very, very scary.
Did you know that 90% of drivers don’t look right when making a right turn out of a parking lot onto a major roadway? Don’t count on them to keep you safe!
And when you’re driving, remember that a rolling stop is NOT considered a legal stop. Always stop, look to the right and left, and safely enter the flow of traffic. Runners and bicyclists everywhere will thank you!
Have you ever had "Runner’s Rage"? Tell me the story!
See you for lunch! 🙂
yayyy congrats! They ask you some odd questions (i.e. are you related to one another hahah). Josh and I aren’t religious either. His uncle actually married us. In PA, you don’t have to have some one official marry you, anyone can!