Good morning! I’m chugging along at work, but I’m REALLY looking forward to my run tonight!
Around 9:30, I had my mid-morning snack. The camera ate the picture, but it was a Chocolate Chip Z-Bar. :) After I ate my snack, I drove my dad to the airport (have a good flight, dad! Love you!).
Lunch was simple and yummy. I’m making an effort to "bulk up" my meals with more fiber-rich, low-calorie veggies and fruits so I feel satisfied even though my in-between-meal snacks aren’t as large as they normally large (in case you missed it, I don’t fit into my wedding dress right now).
I paired an open-faced sammie with carrots and Brussel sprouts, and I ended up feeling STUFFED!
My sammie included 5 slices of chicken deli meat and about 2 oz. of melty cheddar cheese on a slice of WW toast.
The cheese is really a key addition to this lunch because that little bit of fat will keep me feeling satisfied so much longer!
And for "bulk," a bunch of roasted Brussel Sprouts and 2 carrots.
Chinese Herbs
As you know, Future Husband is studying to be a Doctor of Oriental Medicine. He knows I’ve been super stressed out lately, so he gave me some new Chinese herbs to try:
It’s called "Relaxx Extract" and contains a mixture of 8 herbs. The Chinese view natural herbs as a great healing tool, and the study of herbs is one of the most complex aspects of Eastern medicine. Maybe Future Husband can provide a comment on what exactly this is and why it works (if he sees this!)? If not, I’ll write more tonight or tomorrow. I feel relaxed already. 🙂
Puppies Galore!
Several of you asked to see pictures of Margaret Thatcher and James Bond this morning. Here are a few pictures of my little models:
Woof! What kind of pets do you have (or had)?
**EDITED TO ADD: Here’s my awesome finish line photograph from Sunday’s 10k. Can you tell I was relieved to be done?! (Note: clock time is not chip time!)
Mmm, brussels sprouts & carrots!! VeggieGirl-approved 😉
Interesting Chinese Herbs information!!
Cute dogs!!! 😀
**Here was MY beloved pet: