For me, there are three types of hunger: (1) "I haven’t eaten enough fuel!"-hunger; (2) "I’m bored and I just wanna eat"-hunger; and (3) "I’ve eaten enough calories today, but for some reason I still want to gnaw off my arm"-hunger.
I am suffering from Hunger #3 today.
My day started off normally enough, with a nice mid-morning snack (2 plums).
And for lunch, I made a baked tofu + 1/4 cup cottage cheese + romaine lettuce + tomato wrap.
I also had two sweet carrots for a little CRUNCH.
It was a warm, delicious, and filling lunch…. or so I thought.
Not even 20 minutes later, I needed a snack. My stomach was actually growling. I always listen to my hunger cues, so I happily ate a Z-Bar (hello, my name is Caitlin, and I am a Z-Bar addict).
But the Z-Bar didn’t even put a DENT in my hunger. I drank a big glass of water and waited another half an hour (I ate lunch around 11:30!).
No DICE — I was STILL hungry. I had technically had "enough" calories for the morning, but again — I’m not one to ignore my hunger cues. And, I’ve noticed that I will sometimes end up binging if I hold off on eating when I’m legitimately hungry.
Also, I’ve observed that if I don’t give into whatever I’m craving (like trying to substitute a desire to eat a PB sammie with a piece of fruit), I’ll usually just keep eating until I fulfill my original desire.
So, I ate my mid-day snack…. around 12:30. :) I had a filling bowl of 3/4 cup granola and 3/4 cup yogurt. This 350-calorie snack did the trick!
Whew!! Glad that’s over with! I’m satisfied now!
What about you? Do you try to ignore Hunger #3 ("I’ve eaten enough calories today, but for some reason I still want to gnaw off my arm"-hunger) or do you just eat if your body tells you to?
Back to the grind! Deadlines beckon!
Mmm, plums and carrots! :0)
I listen to my body as much as I can, and if time permits.
Good luck with the rest of your workday!!