I had something weird happen last night. At 3 AM. I was woken up by my cramping tummy and night sweats. Ugh! I wasn’t sure if I was sick or reaaaaaaaally hungry. I stumbled into the kitchen and slammed a glass of skim milk.
I woke up at 6:30 still feeling yucky. It’s hard to pinpoint if I’m actually sick — let’s hope not!
I had a larger breakfast than normal, just it case the cause of my yuckiness was hunger:
My oatmeal contained:
- 3/4 cup oatmeal
- 3/4 cup water
- 3/4 cup milk
- Toppings: granola
This is the kind of granola I buy — Back to Nature Classic Granola. Not only is it the cheapest kind at my grocery store, but it’s also quite yummy.
I love adding granola to oatmeal because the contrast of warm with crunchy is always DIVINE!
I feel a lot better after eating!
The Perfect RSVP Card
I had to share this with you all because it was SUCH a perfect gift. My boss (whom I love and really respect) sent me her RSVP card attached to a package. When I opened the package, I discovered she had matted and framed our invitation!
How thoughtful is that?! I’m going to do this the next time I receive a wedding invitation for sure!
Fun Fact of the Day
Runners in a study who drank a beverage with water and about 74 grams of powdered glucose (sugar) ran 10 minutes longer and one mile further than runners who sipped a placebo beverage. Glucose provides extra fuel for muscles and sucking it down 15 minutes before your run is key, because the insulin-glucose interaction peaks after 30 to 45 minutes. Your favorite energy gel will work, too!
Eeeek, so sorry about your night!! Hope you’re feeling 100% better now.
Mmm, granola oats!!
Wow, your boss is INCREDIBLY thoughtful – such a lovely gift!!
Great information about the benefits of glucose!!