Easy Veggie Burritos

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MMM…. burritos! Ole!


These easy, 10 minute burritos are a great go-to meal when you’re too tired to cook something complicated.  Thanks to Morning Star Easy Starter faux meat, black beans, and Fage Greek Yogurt, these burritos are packed with protein.


Easy Veggie Burritos


Ingredients: (makes 1 serving, or two burritos)


  • 1/4 cup frozen corn
  • 1/4 chopped green pepper
  • 1/8 cup chopped onion
  • 1/4 cup black beans
  • 1 cup Morning Star Easy Starter
  • 1/2 cup canned tomatoes (I used Rotello tomatoes with chili peppers and lime juice)
  • Taco seasonings or similar
  • 1/4 cup Fage Greek Yogurt (for topping the burritos)
  • 2 burritos (I used a 100-calorie WW kind)




  • Combine all taco filling ingredients into a wok with a little water.
  • Cook on Medium Low for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally
  • After veggie begin to soften, stuff burritos and layer Fage inside before rolling up.
  • Enjoy (told ya it was easy!)


On the side, I had some steamed broc:


And, I was still hungry afterwards so I had some granola and yogurt with a nut and dried fruit mix for dessert:



Wedding Planning – Registry Hell


I had a snack before we left because I had a sneaking suspicion registering would take us forever… I munched on cottage cheese and cantaloupe.


Registering was a horrendous experience.  It took forever and was stressful (picking out presents for yourself is harder than we expected)! It was definitely my least favorite wedding errand thus far!  Although registering wasn’t all that fun,  I did get to carry around this sweet scanner gun:


We ended up registering at Target because we wanted some electronics (hello, new camera!).  I munched on a Mojo Bar and had a few sips of Future Husband’s fruit smoothie.


Alright folks… I have a date with Women’s Health and FitnessI love reading magazines in bed! 🙂 Enjoy your night, and I’ll see ya for breakfast!



Healthy Tipping Point