Future Husband was craving red meat for dinner. He’s studying to be a Physician of Oriental Medicine and says that traditional Chinese practices believe that red meat helps “build” your blood. Plus, its loaded with iron, as well as vitamin B-12, which is needed for healthy nerves.
I’m not a big meat eater anyways, but I’ll have a little red meat once every two or three months. Mostly, I load up my plant with veggies or carbs to avoid having a “meat heavy” meal.
Sneaky Vegetable Rice and Merlot Beef
Future Husband marinated the beef in 1/2 cup merlot, 1 tablespoon vinegar, some EVOO, pepper, and other various spices to taste. Then, he cooked it in the wok on low for about 10 minutes until medium-well. We had some broc on the side. It was a delicious (if not small) dinner.
Snack – 5 PM
The MUNCHIES hit me while working on the website AGAIN! Does anyone have a cure for this? It’s not that big of a deal, but I almost feel like I am Pavlov’s Dog when I sit at my desk.
I had several small pieces of Dove Dark Chocolate…. which is my favorite. MMMM!
I usually dread Sunday evenings because it means Monday morning is just around the corner, but I’m trying to be more positive at the end of the weekend. I think it will make my Monday mornings much happier! So, have a wonderful evening and a productive tomorrow! See you for breakfast and a workout!
“Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.” ~Doug Firebaugh