August 2008


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integrative food pyramid

Good morning. We're definitely on a slow start this morning, which is a nice break from the week! Dinner and drinks last night was fun, and I stayed up wayyyy to late. An afternoon trip to the gym is definitely in order.BreakfastSomething stabilizing--two pieces of WW bread with a sliced banana. I tried some cinnamon [...]

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dinner’s gone to the dogs!

Today's run made me really snackey all day long! Since we're having a late (9 PM) dinner, I knew I'd need something to hold me over.Sorry-- I'm boring. First, I had my usual blueberry, Kashi Go Lean Crunch!, and yogurt mid-afternoon snack.Around 4 PM I really needed a coffee. Waking up at 5:30 is rough! [...]

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tofu gyros with yogurt-cucumber sauce

Work is going quickly today, and I'm feeling productive! I think this morning's run just got me off on the right foot. :) My lunch break is almost over, but first--a quick recap of my delicious lunch. Tofu Gyros with Yogurt Cucumber SauceI sauteed extra firm tofu (already in chunks, how convenient!) with some EVOO, [...]


up with the sun!

I woke up early for a nice, long 6 mile run! It was glorious. There is just something about Friday runs that make me feel so positive and happy! :) My legs felt strong, and my pace was perfectly comfortable--I stopped to enjoy the sunrise and walk for 30 seconds a few times. Here are [...]


sweet polenta hot salad

I must be turning into VeggieGirl because I was cravinggg vegetables for dinner!Sweet Polenta Hot SaladI love the way roasted vegetables tastes! This hot 'salad' is a mix of thickly chopped sweet potato, broc, mushrooms, and polenta--roasted at 350 for 30 minutes (the broc and mushrooms got tossed in after the first 10 minutes). At [...]


healing with whole foods

Look at this fun book Future Husband bought me! It's called "Healing with Whole Foods" and the back says, "This book brings together authentic traditions of Asian medicine with current Western research on health and nutrition to create the most detailed sourcebook available on planning and preparing the optimal diet." It's 730 pages long, but [...]


big eyes, little stomach

I woke up STARVING! I could barely get to the kitchen fast enough! But, by the time I had plated (and photographed) my food, I was feeling less famished and, as a result, didn't eat everything I had dished out. Just goes to show that sometimes if you stop to breathe, your brain and you [...]


what is it about personal trainers!?

OK, I am SURE there are normal personal trainers out there.... like Kelly, from She seems normal, funny, and intelligent. But, I SWEAR to the heavens above, every time I go see a personal trainer they are such plain weird, cocky, or seriously under-certified! Obviously, my personal training session wasn't amazing (the guy made [...]


pineapple chicken sausage cous cous

Good afternoon! I hope everyone is having a great and productive day. I forgot to mention this in my AM post, but if you've got any questions you'd like me to slip in during my session with the personal trainer, just post 'em!Lunch was a WONDERFUL and easy dish: Pineapple Chicken Sausage Cous Cous. I [...]


double shot oatmeal

I was a little sleepy this morning, so I thought I'd try coffee oatmeal a la Kath ( and Tina ( Oh MY! I can't believe I waited so long to try this. After all, it combined my two favorite things--coffee and oatmeal!I used a hazelnut-flavored coffee and half and half instead of milk. The [...]


run faster, longer, stronger

My new running technique worked! I really want to increase my race speed because I normally run 10 minute miles. I looked on WikiHow (great source for general information) and decided I would try "speed splits."My speed splits consisted of 2 minute regular run/1 minute speed run. I warmed up for 5 minutes, sprinted for [...]

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platter lunch

Oh, how I love platter lunches! So many little things to snack on. Today I had: carrot sticks, plums, some leftover chicken salad sandwich filling (made with nf plain yogurt), and two Wasa crackers covered in a special surprise! This special surprise was organic peanut butter with shredded carrot mixed it. It was slightly sweet, [...]


Protein Egg-rritos! Ole!

I think kickboxing kind of... kicked my butt! My quad was sore from all the lunges, and my abs were a little tight too! I can't wait to RUN tonight, but I am glad I tried a new kind of exercise. :)Today calls for a PM run, which I love to do because it starts [...]

Healthy Tipping Point