Falafel Heaven

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No luck with the weather yet — still raining! I am going to run outside after work regardless of the rain. I just need to think of a way to waterproof my iPod. 🙂

Around 9:30, I got really hungry and ate a Coconut Cream Pie Larabar… it was great but the PB flavor was EVEN BETTER! Of course!

Someone mentioned in the comments that instant oats have a lower glycemic index, which makes you hungrier, faster. I know they digest quicker, but I need to do some research on the glycemic index aspect. Regardless– I am so mad I accidentally bought instant oats, because I was STARVING all morning despite my delicious bowl of oatmeal! Around 10:30, I had a Wasa cracker with PB to hold me over.

Lunch – Falafels!

I buy falafel mix from Fantastic World Foods. It’s vegan and the ingredient list is surprisingly short for a boxed food – yay! I made mine with extra chickpeas for a little extra something-something.

I had a dollop of nf plain yogurt on top. I made a pita sandwich with spinach…. delicious! On the side, I had some chopped carrots and red and green peppers.

Back to work I go! Hope your day is sunnier than mine! 🙂



Healthy Tipping Point