You know how it is – you leave an inspiring conference, have a health epiphany, or the calendar turns to January 1st, and a fire lights inside you. You’re ready and raring to go. And then… you lose momentum. Life gets in the way. Work kicks into overtime. You fall back into old habits. [...]
Ahhh. It’s that time of year again – New Year Resolution time! I know some people despise NYRs with an undying passion, but I really love them. I think of January as a fresh start; a chance to try again; an opportunity to wipe the slate clean. (Source) I like to publicly proclaim my resolutions [...]
Time for another January Joiners post! The JJ series is intended to offer support to those who decide to utilize the New Year as motivation to get healthy and strong. Sure, so many people set healthy resolutions every year… and most don’t take it seriously… but a few truly commit and change their lives. And [...]
When I first decided to get healthy and change my unhealthy ways, I joined a small gym. So many of the people at the gym were supportive, friendly, and kind, and it really influenced me to come back, day after day. A January Joiner (JJ) is a person who jumps on the fitness bandwagon as [...]