Since I posted my boot camp transformation, I’ve received so many questions from readers about the boot camp workouts. I hear over and over again, “I want to strength train, but I just feel so lost in the weight room!” 


You all talk about feeling aimless and randomly picking up weights, doing a few moves, and then kind of giving up because you’re lacking direction.  I know that’s how I used to feel!  I wish I could transport all of you to my boot camp classes, but since I can’t, here’s the next best thing!

Download the Mountain Athletics App – it’s free for iOS!  The app provides access to expert-created, 6-week strength and conditioning training programs specific to outdoor sports including, running, skiing, climbing and mountaineering. Many of the moves require gym equipment or pretty heavy weights, but you can do a lot at home, too!

The workouts are super easy to follow but challenging.  The app tells you what moves to do and for how long.  And, like my boot camp classes, most of the moves tackle multiple muscle groups, so you get an intense burn in a short amount of time.

There are even YouTube embedded videos, so you can watch the workouts as you go to ensure you have proper form.  That’s one of the things that I like most about my boot camp – someone is checking my form constantly so I don’t tweak my back – so this is the next best thing. 

This is a video of one of my favorite moves – The North Face calls them Scotty Bobs.

We do a similar move in boot camp and – let me tell you – these are KILLER HARD. 


I mentioned this app back when I reviewed some of the gear from Mountain Athletics from The North Face, and several of you have written in to tell me how much you love it, so I hope more people test it out!  It really is a nice way to get some direction at the gym – for free!


And don’t forget, the contest to win $500 in gear from The North Face is ongoing.  Enter using the widget below.

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The North Face for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.



  • Ali May 16, 2015, 9:30 am

    Love the North Face fleeces for layering when hiking or doing other activities outside when it’s chilly!

  • Katie O May 16, 2015, 9:58 am

    Those workout clothes are soooooo cooool!

  • Holly H May 16, 2015, 10:05 am

    I’ve heard about this app a couple times now, I’ll definitely have to try it out to add some variety to my strength workouts!

  • Amanda Clausen May 16, 2015, 10:44 am

    LOVE TNF Larison pants. They are linen and so comfortable. I use them as a substitute for uglier pajama pants for lounging.

  • Karen May 16, 2015, 10:54 am

    I am definitely going to download this app. I often times wish I could go to your bootcamp class too! Thanks for sharing.

  • Carly May 16, 2015, 11:48 am

    I used to be intimidated by the weight room. IMO the best way to start if you don’t have a boot camp or a trainer is with a simple program like Starting Strength or Stronglifts. Those focus on three compound movements per workout, so you learn good form and lift serious weight relatively quickly.

    And it makes a huge difference! I bopped around following other programs and was too scared to try the barbells, and once I started Stronglifts I saw a huge difference in strength and overall body composition. It also translated to big everyday differences, like being able to impress the Home Depot guy with how fast I loaded the car with mulch, or being able to carry my son on my shoulders for a solid walk.

    Also, that’s not a Scottie Bob outside of north face. It’s a real exercise called a renegade push-up. And if you do it without the push-up and just do the rows it’s called a renegade row. So for anyone who is interested but wants more detail or help on form, be sure to google renegade push-up or renegade rows, and you’ll find tons of help.

  • tara s May 16, 2015, 12:35 pm

    I love my down jacket….I relied on it when it was -39 this winter!!

  • Erin @ Her Heartland Soul May 16, 2015, 12:49 pm

    This app sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  • Alison May 16, 2015, 1:15 pm

    I love all their running gear, especially the tights!

  • Lauri May 16, 2015, 1:15 pm

    I would love to go to a bootcamp class.

  • laura May 16, 2015, 1:38 pm

    Love the tank… Need the workouts!!

  • Janelle May 16, 2015, 2:19 pm

    I love The North Face! And, I love the strength training suggestions.

  • Kristi H May 16, 2015, 9:56 pm

    I love North Face

  • Sara B May 16, 2015, 10:45 pm

    My favorite North Face products are their fleeces

  • cara May 16, 2015, 11:10 pm

    I’m so going to check out these apps, thanks!

  • Kelli May 17, 2015, 7:48 am

    You look amazing! I cannot wait to get back into a workout routine after this baby is born 🙂 I will be downloading that app immediately as well!

  • Samantha Stein May 17, 2015, 9:35 am

    Thanks so much for the review! Looks super challenging but I look forward to giving it a try.

  • kileen May 17, 2015, 3:29 pm

    love the North Face puffer vests!

  • Sagan May 17, 2015, 3:40 pm

    I love how EASY it is now to get athletic tips and training through all sorts of mediums – including our phones!

    <3 strength training.

  • lynne May 17, 2015, 4:02 pm

    living in CO, high quality, high performing north face gear is key!

  • Kim May 17, 2015, 7:44 pm

    Love the North Face! Their workout clothes, and also their fleeces and outdoor clothes. We go on lots of wilderness trips (hitting the river for a 44 day canoe trip this summer), and their stuff rocks.

  • Kait May 17, 2015, 8:30 pm

    I love the workout pants you reviewed! I have been trying to strength train more since January for three reasons. be stronger to handle walking my 70 lb puppy, sweatin’ for a June wedding and to have a stronger core for better running times!

  • Lauren May 17, 2015, 9:09 pm

    I love the suprema full zip hoodie! And all the hoodies…

  • Dominique May 18, 2015, 1:31 am

    I have a north face jacket that I love. I would love to buy more of their work out and hiking stuff, but it is not in the budget currently.

  • pamc May 18, 2015, 9:17 am

    I love north face.

  • Samantha May 18, 2015, 10:04 am

    I downloaded this app a few weeks ago and have been loving it!

  • Chelsea May 18, 2015, 10:28 am

    The app sounds like just what I need! With a little one, I can’t really get to the gym, so I need something to kick my butt at home!

  • RH May 18, 2015, 11:44 am

    I already use that app and it’s fabulous!

  • Karen B. May 18, 2015, 2:00 pm

    I am over 50 and want to shape up but am having a very difficult time. Can’t seem to build any strength and I can tell that my muscle mass is decreasing. Cannot even do one push-up any more. Any suggestions for websites or apps for older people or very out of shape people? I just don’t know where to begin and can’t afford a trainer or gym membership. I could, however, afford some inexpensive weights and have a rebounder.

    • Caitlin May 18, 2015, 2:11 pm

      Check out Pinterest – there are TONS of workout ideas on there! Search body weight workouts.

  • Kristy B. May 18, 2015, 3:15 pm

    I’m loving those capris you’re wearing the post, I’d definitely get those!

  • Brenda May 18, 2015, 7:57 pm

    Congratulations on an awesome race. Thank you for inspiring me!

  • Amber May 19, 2015, 9:50 am

    I would highly recommend your readers look into doing a shred program with Bobbi from NHerShoes! I did one 1.5 years ago and haven’t stopped strength training since!

  • Alexandra May 19, 2015, 10:45 am

    I like North Face running gear! The tanks and tops are super light 🙂

    I’ve used Nike’s NTC app for strength training. I wish I could compare it with the North Face app, but I’m an android user. Drat!

  • Danielle Buchanan May 24, 2015, 5:31 pm

    I have GOT to try out that app!!

  • Meredith Brooks June 26, 2015, 12:11 pm

    Will have to check this app out! The MA-X tank looks awesome, too.

  • Lacey June 26, 2015, 12:45 pm

    Do you know if they are planning to offer this app for Android soon?

  • Katie June 26, 2015, 1:09 pm

    I LOVE the tank that you are wearing in your second post about this topic (from June 26th). I’m looking for nursing friendly tanks since I’m due with our first little one in early August. I will definitely check out North Face to see what things might work!

Healthy Tipping Point