May 2015

2000 Meter Swim Workout

Training Buddy Brandi and I are doing more and more of our swims outside.  It’s so nice!  But I really need to think of a sun protection solution – my sunscreen comes right off, and I end up with all sorts of crazy tan lines.  Maybe I need a rash guard shirt like Henry and [...]


I Ran Outside!

Tuesday started off really great.  I woke up ready to go and managed to find the time to run outside! I can’t even tell you the last time I ran ALONE outside – no stroller, no buddy, just me.  It was pretty nice, actually.  I pounded out those miles, too.  Running really is my first [...]


Master Bedroom Mood Board

We kind of have a weird thing going on with our bedroom situation.  Our real master is downstairs; once Henry was moved to his Big Boy Room, we moved into the guest room upstairs.  Then, when I got really pregnant, I started to snore all night long, so the Husband moved back downstairs while I [...]


Memorial Day Recap

Rise and shine! My goal for the next few weeks – get into the habit of going to bed early!  The Husband and I have made pinky swear promises to be in bed by 9:30.  I have realized that it takes me a good 30 minutes to get into bed once I decide to go [...]


All the Good Eats

Happy Memorial Day!  Did you have a nice weekend? We had a great one!  We spent a lot of time outside… and a lot of time inside because we painted our master bedroom!  Some more on that tomorrow, though. Stupid = me feeding Claire in a walker.  I swear, just last week, I could ‘park’ [...]


Kiddo Update: Potty and Sleep Training

I have so many kid-related updates to share, so I thought I’d dedicate an entire post to it.  Let’s start off with the big boy, okay?   POTTY TRAINING  (Namaste tee!)   SO proud of Henry.  He’s potty trained (he’ll be three in a month)!  Wahoo. I was really intimidated to potty train, but it [...]


This post is sponsored by Sargento Foods.   I didn’t want to miss out on recapping some fun we had a few weekends back. Better late than never, right? I was in desperate need for a BREAK from the daily grind.  Work had been crazy.  So I put away my To Do list, powered down [...]


Things I’m Loving

The Kiddos: So, obviously, I am ALWAYS loving my kids.  But this week is particularly great!   I have lots of things to update you on (general cuteness, sleep training, and potty training), but that will go up in a post on Friday.  Stay tuned.   Wearing Colorful Lipstick: BFF Nicole and I always joke that [...]


Don’t forget the bike!  Hah. I feel like I did an awesome job packing for Sunday’s race.  I brought everything I needed but didn’t end up carrying around a bunch of extra stuff.  Here’s what I took with me: General: Tri-suit (I wore one from MooMotion) Enell sports bra (BTW, this dried off really well [...]


Since I posted my boot camp transformation, I've received so many questions from readers about the boot camp workouts. I hear over and over again, "I want to strength train, but I just feel so lost in the weight room!"  You all talk about feeling aimless and randomly picking up weights, doing a few moves, [...]


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of BUBBA Burger for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine. On our awesome but super short beach trip, we had to feed 21 people - 5 men, 5 women, and 11 children, of which 9 actually eat solids. Suffice it to say that meal planning [...]


I have a LONG list on my phone of everything I need to do before my race.  Here are the highlights:   Figure out what shoes to run in and install my LockLaces. I have been training in the New Balance 880s and the Asics Gel Nimbus 17s.  I really like both (and will do [...]


Two Very Different Types of Training

I bought Claire a new exersaucer on consignment – she is so pleased.  I’ve never seen a baby love exersaucers and jumpers more than Claire (and Henry was super into them).  She’s been having the time of her life in this new one! Some days, I feel like I have the motherhood thing down.  I [...]


FIVE DAYS until my first triathlon of the season! I think training buddy Brandi and I are ready… Well, I sure hope so! I’m curious to see how this race goes because I trained very differently for this event.   For my other races, I followed a training plan diligently and focused on swimming, running, and [...]

Healthy Tipping Point