What do you have on your bedside table?
My cell phone, my Kindle, my glasses, several hair fubbies (my word for hair ties), and my LadyComp.
Do you have a tattoo?
Yes, I have my mom’s name and my middle name tattooed on my hip – it’s Joy. The Husband bought it for me when I was 20 years old. When I sat in that chair and got the tattoo while he watched, I knew I loved him. I have a second tattoo in mind but just need to get the courage up to go get it.
Do you believe in abstinence prior to marriage?
I was brought up in a politically and socially liberal household(s) and did not practice abstinence as a teen. Honestly, I don’t think the thought even crossed my mind to wait until marriage. I’m glad I was educated about birth control options as a teen, and I feel like you can teach birth control without condoning meaningless sex. I have a few friends who waited until marriage, and I love to chat with them about it because it sounds so fascinating and romantic – it just wouldn’t have worked for me personally. I swiped my v-card around the average age for this type of thing, and I don’t regret it because it was my first close boyfriend. I do think teens should wait until they are with someone they care about. Sex is special, even if you don’t wait until marriage!
What is your worst habit?
My worst habit is definitely Twitter and Facebook. I’m trying to cut back!
How do you handle finances in your relationship? Or, how would you like to handle money in your future relationship?
We pool all of our money into one bank account and share all of our earnings equally. There is no ‘my money.’ I don’t think separate accounts would work for us! I pay all the bills and keep track of spending. We have a rule that says we can’t spend more than $200 at a time without checking with the other person.
If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
I really like the name Josie. Doesn’t Josie Boyle have a good ring to it?
Where do you want to go on your next vacation?
I’d love to go to London for the Olympics and see the swimming!
What is one political cause you feel strongly about?
Social welfare programs to help people get back on their feet after divorce, abuse, addiction, etc. I’d happily hand over tax money for that.
Have you ever stolen anything?
Not from a store, but once I stole a coffee cup from a fraternity house. I was really thirsty.
Tell us something embarrassing about yourself.
Even though I’ve been married for 2.5+ years, I am still an active participant in online wedding forums, especially Wedding Buzz on Facebook. I know I should move on, but I can’t! I love centerpiece discussions and mother-in-law drama. Also, even though I’m not pregnant, I read pregnancy forums (but I only lurk, I don’t participate!).
Your turn! Answer one (of all!) of the 10 Personal Questions in the comments section. I’ll randomly select a winner tonight, who will receive a fun (surprise) prize!
If you could go watch swimming at the Olympics, you should also catch synchronized swimming to see the human noseclip