Despite the fact that the weather isn’t complying, my heart, body, and soul are already well into summer mode. Hence, ice cream for breakfast.
Not just any old ice cream – the very healthy Banana Soft Serve. If you have not discovered BSS yet, let me show you the light.
You can make creamy, dreamy ‘ice cream’ by food processing several frozen bananas (it’s better to make it in large batches; it’s hard to process just one banana). I added a bunch of chia seeds to my BSS because chia seeds are not only a good source of Omega 3’s, but they also help jell the BSS together (they aren’t required thought – really you only need 1 ingredient for BSS!).
I’ve discovered that processing non-frozen bananas, freezing the soupy mix, and then re-processing in the morning also works really well. SUPER creamy!
Over cereal, with almonds and tart cranberries (my fav):
I do like BSS but I’ve never tried it with chia seeds. I don’t have a food proc so I use my Magic Bullet and it takes forever 🙁