2010 Resolutions

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Glorious run with the Husband this morning!  We did 3.0 miles in 28:47. :)  I am very much enjoying being in taper mode for the marathon.  I like shorter distances (you know, as opposed to 20.0 miles at once). 


After the run, I did some last minute Christmas shopping!  I’m giving the Husband an “airplane care package” (oh, and a trip to Europe) for Christmas.  I stuffed a bag full of candy, dried fruit, an eye mask, a book, some magazines, and other odds and ends (gum!) and plan to give it to him on the airplane tomorrow.




A little light because I plan on wolfing down pumpkin yogurt and granola shortly. 🙂


I had a baked sweet potato with kidney beans:


I wanted to use vegetarian baked beans, but we are out.  :(  Wouldn’t that be a delicious combo?


And an orange:


New Year’s Even Resolutions 2010


Even though it’s still 2009, I thought I’d present my NYE 2010 Resolutions today.  As I explained this morning, I am BIG on Resolutions.  I like to sit down and imagine how I’d like the next year to go.  Checking off items feels so great, too!


I always have a HUGE list of Resolutions and break them into fitness and personal resolutions.  Since this is my first year as an entrepreneur, I’m also adding a professional category.


Here we go!


Fitness Resolutions


  • Complete the Disney Marathon on January 10:  This is a huge life goal of mine, and I’m so excited to check it off my bucket list.  I truly do not have a time goal – if I finish alive and injury-free, I will be ecstatic.  But… if I come in under 4:30, I will be even more excited.  :)  Just saying.

CIMG8642 - Copy

  • Ride a Century Bike Race (100 miles) on May 15:  I have completed a Metric Century, which is 60 miles, but I’d like to go for the BIG BIKE RACE and do a Century.  I’ve already picked out my race and can’t wait to start training after I recover from the marathon!


  • Complete a Triathlon on March 13 or 14:  You might remember how I was disqualified from a sprint triathlon in the summer of 2008 because I freaked out and couldn’t finish the swim.  I really want to tackle the tri again, but I’m not sure if I’ll do another sprint one or an Olympic distance.  I’ve picked out the Wildman Triathlon in March as my race of choice.


Personal Resolutions


  • Continue to make efforts to be a nicer, more cheerful person.


  • Try not to talk badly about other people and keep negative opinions to myself.


  • Be more responsible with our money.


Professional Resolutions


  • Find freelance writing jobs so I can continue to be my own boss.


  • Develop a second book concept and try to sell it.


  • Develop a viral marketing plan for the Operation Beautiful book.  Work with a graphic designer to create a sweet You Tube video.


  • Help the Husband launch his acupuncture practice.


What are your goals for 2010?



  • Casey @Spicy&Sweet December 23, 2009, 12:05 pm

    Yay! Those are great resolutions Caitlin :). I’m resolving to remain positive and be nicer/more cheerful sometimes…and to stick to my workout goals!!

  • Mel @ She Runs Brooklyn December 23, 2009, 12:13 pm

    Awesome goals. Three big races! If I was you I would be so damn proud to check those off next year!! You’ve inspired to to perhaps actually make a list this year. Why not? My bosses have offered to sponsor me in the NYC marathon next year.. oy 😉 better start thinkin

  • Bronwyn December 23, 2009, 12:15 pm

    Nice resolutions!

    Mine are going to be pretty similar. I’d love to do a Triathlon, and a half marathon. Budget. And get good grades… across the board. I have a habit of getting a good grade in SOME classes and letting the harder ones slide…

  • Nicci@NiftyEats December 23, 2009, 12:34 pm

    Great goals for 2010. I’m still thinking about what I’m going to do.

  • Diana @ frontyardfoodie December 23, 2009, 12:37 pm

    My biggest one is to complete a half marathon. I also would like to successfully grow, eat and preserve the goods from my garden and learn how to become a better seamstress.

    Your goals are awesome and there are so many of them!

  • Mackenzie @ The College Authentic December 23, 2009, 12:39 pm

    -Do the Disney Princess Half on March 7th ( MY 19TH BIRTHDAY WOO!). Make sure to wear a tiara and tutu, keeping it fun 🙂

    -Get my fiction book published 🙂

    -Read all of the books I relentlessly HOARD.

    -Plan my study abroad trip(S):)

    -Get a job (AND KEEP IT!)

  • Kyle December 23, 2009, 12:39 pm

    Your personal resolutions are pretty identical to mine! I’ve found myself becoming more negative and “fake mean” to people as a joke, but I think it reveals some type of inner issues. Anyways, I want SO BADLY to be a “sweet person”, not sarcastic anymore 🙁 Old habits die hard, but I’m working on it.

    • Kaisha December 23, 2009, 2:03 pm

      I aimed to do the same thing in 2009 and accomplished it! once you start, it’s not very difficult. it’s ok to be a little sarcastic [it’s funny.lol] it’s just that we sometimes dont realize the difference between being sarcastic and being a negative meanie pants. but i’ve finall figured it out!!lol

    • Kaisha December 23, 2009, 2:03 pm

      I aimed to do the same thing in 2009 and accomplished it! once you start, it’s not very difficult. it’s ok to be a little sarcastic [it’s funny.lol] it’s just that we sometimes dont realize the difference between being sarcastic and being a negative meanie pants. but i’ve finall figured it out!!lol

      • Kyle December 23, 2009, 4:54 pm

        Ah! Hope is alive! 😀 Yeah I try to not be a meanie pants, it’s just that in groups of friends it becomes the “norm” to call each other “bitches” and “losers” in a loving way, and sometimes that translates into other areas of life where it’s NOT APPROPRIATE.

  • Kailey December 23, 2009, 12:48 pm

    i have complete faith that you will complete your disney marathon!!!

  • Susan December 23, 2009, 12:49 pm

    Omg, I have a can of maple baked beans and a sweet potato in my kitchen at this very moment. That sounds SO heavenly.

    I think my only resolutions last year were to get a job after university and do a triathlon, both of which I did. I really like how you laid yours out though – I’m big on setting goals and will do the same thing!

    – Finish my personal training certification and actually use it to some degree

    – Open myself up to other people more (ie make friends. Sounds sad, but all my old ones have moved away!!)

    – Complete a half marathon

    – Complete a metric century

    – L-I-V-E. I do not want to be stuck in a bubble anymore.

  • michelle December 23, 2009, 12:49 pm

    I love resolutions too. I’m still working on mine though. I do a list on 43things.com where you can type in your goals and when you finish them you check them off. They also send you little email reminders. I love that on Saturday I get an email that I want to “complete a marathon” and my email self checks in with my regular self. It’s a cool site. I love checking things off… ((lists))

  • Tina December 23, 2009, 12:58 pm

    I love all your resolutions. I need to come up with my own list. But one that I’ve been thinking about a lot is not gossiping any more. I make an effort not to, but still find myself talking about others sometimes. Thank you for the ideas!

  • Tyler December 23, 2009, 12:59 pm

    I was reading an earlier post about packing…have you tried Space Bags? I am an over packer and bought a box and I was able to fit 2 weeks worth of clothes into 1 suitcase. They are around $20 at Walmart or Bed Bath and Beyond BUT they are reusable so you can use them time and again. Let me know if you try them!

  • Mama Pea December 23, 2009, 12:59 pm

    I really like your personal resolutions, although I have to say, I think you are pretty nice and terrific as is.

    My main goal for 2010 is to maintain a balance between fitness, food, family and work! I’d like to run a 5K, develop more vegan recipes for the everyday eater, go on at least one or two trips with my family…oh, and write a book.

    Here’s to a new year full of happiness!

  • bec December 23, 2009, 1:06 pm

    great goals, I can’t wait to read about them as you complete them 🙂

  • Kristine December 23, 2009, 1:13 pm

    You have awesome and realistic fitness goals!!

  • Tanya (Iateapie) December 23, 2009, 1:18 pm

    I haven’t made my resolutions yet, but I love how your goals are specific.

  • Lizzy December 23, 2009, 1:21 pm

    I love your resolutions! like i said earlier i think they are so wonderful to have, and being able to cross things of your list is so awesome! 🙂

    i love your idea of the care package for the hubby for your plane ride! i think thats so much fun! xoxo

  • Jessica @ How Sweet It Is December 23, 2009, 1:24 pm

    I think your fitness goals are great! I would like to bike a century ride. We have a 150 mile one in Erie that some of the people I teach spin to do every year. I think it’s awesome!

  • Joanne December 23, 2009, 1:26 pm

    I always find your posts so motivational. Whether you are talking about your daily run, or your attempts at a race (the Sprint race in 2008 you mention above), somehow I can SO relate to what you say. Keep it up and you’ve made some terrific resolutions. Have a good trip.

  • Kelly December 23, 2009, 1:37 pm

    That is so funny because my husband and I were just talking about our resolutions last night. I think my BIGGEST one is going to be to cut myself some slack. I tend to be a HUGE perfectionist and anything less that 100% I deem a failure. So since no one is ever perfect…that can be a real problem. So in 2010 I am going to try really hard to be less forgiving of myself!

    • Kaisha December 23, 2009, 2:08 pm

      i think you meant *more* forgiving 😉

  • Annamarina (Running Tails) December 23, 2009, 1:41 pm

    I like the way you organized your resolutions. I also love to make resolutions, but haven’t done it yet for 2010.

    Have a wonderful time in Europe!!!

  • Kaisha December 23, 2009, 2:10 pm

    i have a pretty long list. but it’s things i’ve been THINKING about for a long time so i’m going to finally DO them. 🙂
    i know it’s kind of strange but i actually taped my list on the wall next to my bed so when i wake up in the morning it’s staring me in the face!
    your goals are great!

  • Jenny@JennyLikesToRun, a teenager with a healthy lifestyle December 23, 2009, 2:26 pm

    I love this post! Good luck with all your goals 🙂 I’m sure you’ll do very well with them all.
    I think I’ll do a post similar to this one, it’s a great post idea!

  • Jessica December 23, 2009, 2:41 pm

    totally did that last night but with black beans and sour cream….it was yum.

    So. Today I posted operationbeautiful.com to my signature for work….so all of my emails have your link. 🙂 That excites me

  • Heather @ The Joyful Kitchen December 23, 2009, 2:47 pm

    fitness: run 3-5 miles 4 times a week and do yoga consistently 5-6 days a week. (I’m not much for racing and such, but I’d love to get to a point where running is fun again!) personal: become a more positive, friendly, and encouraging person and increase my confidence in the woman i am. professional: develop a way to become my own boss 🙂

  • Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama December 23, 2009, 2:48 pm

    I was thinking of having a sweet potato with chili for lunch, too!

  • Sam December 23, 2009, 2:59 pm

    Off the top of my head…

    1) Develop a healthy relationship with food, exercise and body image

    2) Try to be a nicer person and make more of an effort not to argue with my family and friends

    3) Keep performing well at work and work towards getting a promotion or pay rise

    4) Use my time more productively

    5) Worry less and start to have more fun

    6) Complete a half marathon

    7) Travel

  • Erin December 23, 2009, 3:38 pm

    Find a way to continue avoiding a “real” job and get paid to write and travel.

    Be happy with my life choices and not feel the need to conform to others’ opinions.

    Get back on track with running and healthy eating — it’s been a rough week!


  • Katie - Life Discombobulated December 23, 2009, 3:43 pm


    My boyfriend is an AWESOME graphic designer who also makes his own videos! Check out his websites!


    Have fun in ENGLAND!!!

  • Paige (Running Around Normal) December 23, 2009, 3:49 pm

    Great resolutions, Caitlin!! You are gonna rock that disney marathon.

    This year, I’m breaking my resolutions down into cycles. Haven’t posted about it yet, though.

  • Janna (Just Flourishing) December 23, 2009, 3:51 pm

    Those sound like fabulous goals 🙂

    I haven’t completely sat down and thought about my goals yet. But offhand they are:
    Finish my pre-req classes, apply to Masters programs, volunteer more, take a dance class in NYC, run 1 or 2 more races

  • megan December 23, 2009, 3:59 pm

    I haven’t fully thought through my goals yet, but one of them is to trust God more and worry less. Another is to be outwardly affirmative to other people. i think nice things about other people a lot, but I need to be more outgoing and actually say them! Plus I would love to develop my blog and start a little baking business!

    • Jessica December 23, 2009, 4:42 pm

      if we would trust God more, we would have SOOOOOOOOO much less to worry about

    • Samantha @ Mama Notes December 23, 2009, 8:10 pm

      I agree Megan. (And Jessica!) I need to learn to trust God more too! And worry less!! 🙂

  • Jenna December 23, 2009, 4:07 pm

    great goals girl!!

  • Kristin December 23, 2009, 4:45 pm

    I, like you, always make resolutions. This year is also my first year as an entrepreneur so I have a list of personal resolutions, a list of fitness resolutions and a list of business resolutions. Obsessive, me? Nah. 😉

  • Mary December 23, 2009, 4:49 pm

    I have never set Resolutions for myself. I think I would have a hard time fulfilling them. I really do want to sit down and think of good, useful resolutions. Yours sound awesome.

  • Cindy December 23, 2009, 4:50 pm

    Thanks for sharing your goals for 2010. It’s certainly helping me think and plan about my own. My biggest goal was to lose weight this year and I did, just not the amount I had hoped.

    Thanks for all you do in writing here every day and sharing your life with all of us. Have a safe trip and have a Merry Christmas. 🙂

  • Lisa (bakebikeblog) December 23, 2009, 4:56 pm

    Great resolutions Caitlin. One of my resolutions is to have a happy fulfilled year and not sweat the small stuff 🙂

  • Melissa S. December 23, 2009, 5:29 pm

    Sounds like great resolutions. i know you’ll accomplish them all.

  • Ali@ Food, FItness, Fashion December 23, 2009, 6:15 pm

    Great resolutions!!!!! I am still thinking of mine, but, I know one is to stretch after every run!!! I skimp waaayyy too much on that!

  • Allison K December 23, 2009, 6:35 pm

    I can’t believe it’s resolution time again! I haven’t made my thorough list yet, but the big on is run a Half Marathon! I even started a new blog about running to keep me accountable!

  • *Andrea* December 23, 2009, 6:38 pm

    i love your resolutions! mine is definitely to be less gossip-y and more positive – life can be tough but a positive spin on things makes all the difference. congrats on all your accomplishments for 2009!!! you rock 🙂

  • Caitlin@TheTwentyFifthYEar December 23, 2009, 7:14 pm

    These are great – I too, like to make goals, but sometimes they are more successful outside of the whole “first of the year.” So, I make resolutions all year round, that way I don’t feel pressure when I can’t keep up with them all! I do know that one is going to be joining and making trips to my local library – it will save a lot of books and broaden my horizons! Have a safe trip!

  • Emily Eats and Exercises December 23, 2009, 7:44 pm

    I love your fitness goals. I’m definitely going to do another triathlon and I signed up for my first half marathon in June. Personally I’d like to get more organized with my work and not leave so many projects to the last minute. Also go to bed earlier!

  • Samantha @ Mama Notes December 23, 2009, 8:08 pm

    I would love to hear where you are finding freelance writing jobs!

  • Alison December 23, 2009, 8:12 pm

    great goals caitlin! it’s good to break them into different categories: fitness, relationships, etc. i def need to work on being a more cheerful, nice person genuinely on the inside. it’s funny how the different aspects of our lives can feed into others as well. your sweet potato bean lunch looked greatt!

  • Tessa December 23, 2009, 8:35 pm

    HEALTH – recover from my ED by my 20th bday – 4kg to go!!:), get more sleep, train my brain
    CAREER – exceed in the course/traineeship I’ve applied for, stay positive in whatever job I’m in because at least I have an income!
    PERSONAL – more input to charity, keep negative thoughts to myself, practise meditation to prevent outbursts, travel to Bali and New Zealand!!

  • Jolene (www.everydayfoodie.ca) December 23, 2009, 10:03 pm

    My goals for 2010 include:

    1) Learning to run and running a half marathon in September.
    2) Getting into Grad school
    3) Getting pregnant maybe 🙂
    4) Travel to at least one new place (out of country)
    5) Do Jillian’s 30 day shred (successfully)

  • Jenny December 23, 2009, 10:04 pm

    I really like your resolutions! And I definitely admire your drive and determination with those fitness goals! Truly amazing 🙂

    I would like to see myself work towards becoming more positive in general, as well as not be so hard on myself. I should be much more proud of the things I have (and will) achieve from now on!

  • dorothy December 23, 2009, 11:21 pm

    i think one of my main food-related resolutions is to eat more mindfully. do you have any tips for that??

  • Lee December 24, 2009, 9:55 am

    I have been thinking about my goals. I haven’t written them down, but I am pretty pleased that they’ve seem to have shifted this year. In previous years, they’ve been more about weight loss and this year, they seem to be more about other things.

  • Mel December 24, 2009, 11:13 am

    Love the care package idea. Enjoy being able to relax on the plane. I have 2 little kids, and WOW, it’s something else. (; My resolutions are still in development, but one of mine is to be better about strength training.

  • Natalie M. December 24, 2009, 12:01 pm

    Hi Caitlin!

    I haven’t had the opportunity to read your blog since the healthy living summit took place in August. I started graduate school and life has been quite hectic which means no time for my blogs 🙁
    I hope to catch up with your posts over break. I just wanted to stop by to wish you and your family a very happy holiday season!

  • RhodeyGirl December 24, 2009, 2:54 pm

    Great goals!!! Hmmm I haven’t thought fully about my resolutions for the year yet. Maybe save more money? Babies? Help PB with a (still secret) business plan? Lose the wedding 4?

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